Marvel Database

Quote1 I made my choices! They define me! They made-- No. I make my decisions. I make my reality. And my reality is... I am... Captain Marvel! Quote2
Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers of Earth-616)

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Captain Marvel is shown in the middle of a fight with Blastaar that causes several collateral damage, makings her doubt herself, and ponder a variety of choices she has made and if she could have done things differently. She uses the Reality Stone to connect and talk to dozens of multiverse Captains Marvel. She specifically asks if she should have done some of her bigger decisions differently.

She is then teleported to an alternate reality right at the time of her Civil War II battle with Iron Man where, this time, her counterpart sacrifices herself to free Miles Morales. Then, she is transported to another reality just after House of M but now this time Monica Rambeau is Captain Marvel, and Carol never got over her alcoholism. The she is transported to an alternate reality just after her major fight with Rouge, one in which Rogue and Captain Marvel have actually fused and both have each other's powers. Lastly, she is transported to another reality where she had heroically decided to fight Nitro in Captain Marv-Vell's stead, and ended up getting cancer. With these visions, she determines that the totality of her decisions has made her who she is today, and that she will focus on being the best Captain Marvel possible. Specifically, she also determines she is going to keep the Reality Stone safe, and that she is the right one to keep a hold of it, now that she has learned how powerful it can be to tap into alternate realities.

Solicit Synopsis

Carol Danvers has crossed the borders of reality itself and returned in possession of the Reality Stone... and with it has contacted the Marvels of many worlds! Join the Captains Marvel for a cross-time adventure into the nature of the Infinity Stones!


See Also

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