Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- M.O.R.D.OC.'s Cult (First appearance)
- Tim (First appearance)
- Erin (First appearance)
- Ryan (First appearance)
- M.O.R.D.OC. (First appearance)
- Numerous unnamed others (First appearance)
- Devondra
Other Characters:
- Dormammu Red (Referenced)
- Satan (Invoked)
- M.O.D.O.K. Superior (George Tarleton) (Vision or hallucination)
- Baron Mordo (Vision or hallucination)
- Agamodin (Mentioned)
- U.S. Army
- Howling Commandos of Hoggoth (Photo)
- Dum Dum Fury (Photo)
- Winter Soldier (Bucky Wong) (Photo)
- Howling Commandos of Hoggoth (Photo)
- Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange) (Vision or hallucination)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers) (Vision or hallucination)
- Cosmic Avengers (Unnamed)
Races and Species:
- Demons
- Humans
- Kentauros
- Octopuses
- Goats (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Eagles (Carving)
- Soul Eaters
- Abstract Entities
- Mutants
- Frost Giants
- Prime Marvel Universe
- Soul World
- Warp World
- Dark Dimension
- Earthspace
- Earth
- United Kingdom (First appearance)
- England (First appearance)
- Wiltshire (First appearance)
- Amesbury (First appearance)
- Stonehenge (First appearance)
- Amesbury (First appearance)
- London (First appearance)
- Wiltshire (First appearance)
- England (First appearance)
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan (Cameo)
- East River (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Brooklyn (First appearance)
- Soldier Supreme's Sanctum Sanctorum (First appearance)
- New York City
- New York
- United Kingdom (First appearance)
- Earth
- Warp World
- Soul World
- Soul Gem (Behind the scenes)
- Soldier Supreme's Uniform and Cloak of Levitation
- Eye of Agamoshtur (Unnamed)
- Shield of the Seraphim
- Crimson Bands of Cyttorak (First appearance)
- Eye of Agamodin (First appearance)
- Soldier Supreme's Shields (First appearance)
- Ant-Man's Suit and Helmet
- Doomsday Chair (First appearance)
- World War II (Referenced)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Trapped outside time in the Dark Dimension since the days of World War II, the Soldier Supreme returns, a mage out of time, to find a world unlike any he has ever known!
- The issue's recap mistakenly identifies the location as the Darkforce Dimension, even though both this and the previous issue establish it is instead the similarly named Dark Dimension.