Appearing in "Part One: The Voice Unheard"
Featured Characters:
- The Voice Unheard (First appearance)
- G-Man (First appearance) (Apparent death)
- Naja (First appearance)
- Flint (Jaycen) (First appearance)
- The Bard (Matt Murdoch)
- Karnak (First appearance)
- Mega-Rad (First appearance)
- Blackagar (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Sand Hulk (Rick Jones) (First appearance as Sand Hulk) (First appearance)
- New Attilan's Inhumans (First appearance)
- Baroness Medusa (First appearance)
- Sterilon (First appearance)
- Auran (First appearance)
- Thor Corps
- Emperor Doom (Appears on screen)
- Sheriff Strange (Mentioned)
Other Characters:
- Wanda Magnus (Cameo)
- Pietro Magnus (Cameo)
- Hulks of Greenland
- Zombies of the Deadlands (Cameo)
Races and Species:
- Earth-15513
- Battleworld
- Greenland
- Kingdom of Manhattan
- Upper New York Bay (First appearance)
- New Attilan (First appearance)
- Interrogation Chamber (First appearance)
- New Attilan (First appearance)
- Manhattan
- Midtown
- 42nd Street
- Grand Central Station (First appearance)
- The Quiet Room (First appearance)
- Grand Central Station (First appearance)
- 42nd Street
- Midtown
- Upper New York Bay (First appearance)
- The Shield (Mentioned)
- Valley of Flame (Mentioned)
- Monarchy of M (Mentioned)
- Deadlands (Cameo)
- Battleworld
- Thompson submachine gun (First appearance)
- Mjolnirs
- God Emperor Doom's Armor (Appears on screen)
- Terrigen Crystals (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Part One: The Voice Unheard"
After the incursions God Emperor Doom forged a new world from remnants of the multiverse. Survivors are kept under control with memory manipulation. They don't remember their former lives.
The rebel group called The Voice Unheard opposes Doom's regime. They have developed a serum that restores the mind. Rebels like Flint, Mega-Rad, Naja and G-Man deliver the serum to the people. During one of their missions Doom's policing force Thorcorps shows up. G-man lures the Thors away so his allies can escape. He is arrested and taken to Queen Medusa, regent of Manhattan.
Medusa is tasked to crush the rebellion. New Attilan is of strategic importance and must be protected. Failure is not an option. Her life hangs in the balance. Sterilon interrogates G-Man and accidentally kills him. Sterilon only got the phrase "the Quiet Room". It's a nightclub in Manhattan. Medusa sents her agent Auran to investigate the club's connection with the rebels. In the club Auran is greeted by Blackager. He owns the place and is the secret leader of the resistance. Blackager already knows that Medusa sent her.