Marvel Database

Quote1 Now, here's Toro's real origin -- a story almost nobody has ever heard before. Quote2
Human Torch

Appearing in "The Fire That Died!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Asbestos Lady (Only in flashback)
  • Larry (Only in flashback)
  • Other Henchmen (Only in flashback)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:




  • H.M.S. Forester

Synopsis for "The Fire That Died!"

As a gravely wounded Toro is transported to an Allied hospital, Jim Hammond recounts the true origin of his young partner Toro as well as one of their early adventures against Asbestos Lady and her henchmen.


  • Goodwin is consulting editor.
  • This issue contains a letters page, "O.K. Axis, Here We Come!". A letter is published from Dwight R. Decker.
  • This is the first silver age story to mention Jim Hammond's alter ego role as a New York police officer. He served in this role in the Golden Age of Comics/Timely era.


  • The Invaders are dropped off by the Royal Navy cruiser at "one of the small Channel Islands" where they catch a plane back to England. Historically, however, the Channel Islands had been under German occupation since July 1940.
  • The cruiser's name, HMS Forester, may be a reference to British author of naval fiction C. S. Forester, or the real-life HMS Forester that served in WWII.
  • The young Toro wears a cowboy outfit in exactly the same colours as Lucky Luke.

See Also

Links and References

