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Quote1 I hate Tony Stark! Quote2
Jim Rhodes

Appearing in "And Grimm Shall Be Their Name!"

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Synopsis for "And Grimm Shall Be Their Name!"

Tony Stark has adjusted the Iron Man helmet to Rhodey’s brain wave patterns at Bistro Electronics where the owner offers him payment in parts to help fix up broken electronics.

Meanwhile, Percy & Barton Grimes have discovered the powers instilled in the Brothers Grimm costumes they’ve found at the abandoned theater. They decide to use the costumes to attack The Pines restaurant which they had lost the bid on to Winston Agronsky. However, Rhodes, Stark, and the Erwins are eating there to celebrate completing their first contract for Circuits Maximus. Rhodes dons the Iron Man armor and fights off the brothers but is somewhat embarrassed in the process as the brothers have learned many of the costumes’ secrets.

He keeps watch over the restaurant anticipating their return and when they do, they largely get the better of Iron Man as he inadvertently causes significant damage to the restaurant. Tony Stark meanwhile seeks out records for the Grimes brothers having learned their identity when they accidentally blurted their real names during their initial attack and the LAPD arrest the brothers at their realty office.

Back at the Circuits Maximus dome, Rhodes is inconsolable after his lack of success against the brothers and at Tony’s ability to beat them using his intellect. He leaves and utters his hatred for Tony as he continue to battle severe headaches.

Solicit Synopsis

Tony Stark is holed up in his lab, working on a project that has the new Iron Man, James Rhodes, more than a little worried! Does it mean Rhodey will have to give up the armor? It had better not — the Brothers Grimm are gunning for his metallic hide, and that's no fairy tale!


  • This issue contains a letters page "Printed Circuits". Letters are published from Greg Sampson, Bill climer, Luciano DiGiallonardo, Conrad L, Stinett, Tony Spadafina, Mike Brown, Brian Walsh, and Allen Klingeloets.
  • Although considerable construction took place previously, this is the first naming of the new company Circuits Maximus.

See Also

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