Marvel Database

Quote1 Talk to me Stark. And make it fast. Quote2
Henry Gyrich

Appearing in "Hollow Man"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Unnamed muggers (First appearance)
  • A drug-dealer woman (First appearance)
  • Stones (a L.A. gang) (First appearance)
  • Sweats (a L.A. gang) (First appearance)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Hollow Man"

Masque watches as Marianne Rodgers escapes from Stark Center, a private mental hospital. Meanwhile, Iron Man stops a carjacker, a mugger, and a drug dealer selling to children, and two rival gangs battling with high-tech weapons. Wanting to provide something positive for the local community, Stark then publicly opens the Maria Stark park, and has his photo taken with a grateful child.

In Vietnam, Priests of Pama cut their way through the jungle, but discover that their home, the Temple of Agaphaur, has disappeared. At Stark Enterprises, Stark tells Henry Peter Gyrich that something has to be done about the Avengers after Gyrich's recent run in with them, but Bethany Cabe interrupts the conversation.

Stark leaves for his private lab where Machinesmith is working on some projects. He shuts down Machinesmith, checks his messages, and blacks out. His sleep is interrupted only by a brief flash of a teenaged Luna trying to contact him. She warns him about others coming and she is sorry that she could not stop him (presumably from killing). He wakes up standing in his mansion with Bethany making dinner, with no memory of how he got there. Panicking, he runs outside, wondering if he's beginning to have a breakdown.


Chronology Notes[]

Characters in this story also appear in other stories between this issue. The affected characters are:
Iron Man (Tony Stark)

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

