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Appearing in "Fear Wears Two Faces"

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Synopsis for "Fear Wears Two Faces"

Iron Man catches up to a train to find the still recovering Happy and Pepper inside. She explains that they can't be a part of Tony's life anymore, it's too dangerous. He says he understands and leaves. Meanwhile, a truck driver finds a bunch of slaughtered pigs on the road and is attacked by the Blood Brothers. Stark returns to Stark Industries and chats with Abe Klein about overhauling the plant's electrical systems. Roxanne Gilbert has dinner with Michael O'Brien until she realizes it's only to get a reaction out of Stark, so she storms out. Having stolen the driver's truck, the Blood Brothers blow through a police blockade at the Lincoln Tunnel. Stark goes to Roxanne's apartment where the doorman informs him she's gone with O'Brien, so he leaves as Iron Man and runs across the Blood Brothers. Harry Key leaves his office, preparing to commit industrial espionage at Stark International as Detective O'Brien watches. Scrounger brings Controller some food as Iron Man battles the Blood Brothers, becoming trapped under a pier.


  • As seen on page one, this issue is Story #JV364.
  • This issue contains a letters page, "Sock It To Shell-Head". Letters are published from Hank Boehme, Mike Cannon, Tim Krenke, and Randy Funk.
  • This issue also contains a Series "B" Marvel Value Stamp [1] Vol 1 99 Hulk.

See Also

Links and References

