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Marvel Database

Revenge must never be rushed. For after all, it comes only once!

Appearing in "Breakout!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Scrounger
  • controlled humans
  • Star International workers and guards
  • Riker's Island guards
    • Duffy
    • Bronkowski



Synopsis for "Breakout!"

Iron Man brings the Controller to Stark International and imprisons him in a vat of dense plastic with Abe Klein's help. Changing into Tony Stark, he contemplates the possibility that the recent string of accidents are actually sabotage. Meanwhile, Scrounger attaches the Controller's discs to various people, raising the Controller's strength. Stark leaves his office to meet his new executive secretary, Krissy Longfellow, and asks her out to dinner. When they return the Controller breaks free, so Stark changes into Iron Man and fights him. The Blood Brothers break free from Ryker's Island. Hearing this Iron Man steers the fight there. He steals a control disc from the arriving Scrounger and attaches it to one of the Blood Brothers. The surge of power overloads the Controller, defeating him. The Blood Brothers are imprisoned, but Scrounger takes Controller away, intent on continuing to take care of him.


  • This comic marks Bob Layton's first work for Marvel. Layton would later become a long-standing co-plotter and inker for Iron Man alongside writer David Michelinie, and one of the character's most important creatives.
  • This issue contains a letters page, "Sock It To Shell-Head". Letters are published from Doug Zimmerman, Kim Thompson, and Bryan Constans.


  • Inker Bob Layton was the apprentice of artist Wally Wood, and he would routinely visit Marvel's offices to hand him over finished pages, using the opportunity to show around samples of his work. According to himself, the following is the story of how Layton got the assignment to ink this issue:
"I continued to do stuff with [Wally Wood] and would occasionally deliver pages for him when I made a trip into NYC from Connecticut. One day, I was in the Marvel offices... handing in Woody's pages to the production dept. So, I used the opportunity to show my samples around while I had 'my foot in the door'. When I passed the Art Director's office, I heard John Romita on the phone, frantically trying to find someone to ink a desperately late issue of Iron Man. Like an idiot, I stuck my head in his doorway and said I could get the job done in the four or five days that was left on the schedule. It was an utter fabrication... but I really wanted to work for Marvel Comics! Johnny gave me the pages and said, 'Show me what you can do, kiddo.' Panicking, I ran down Madison Ave. to Continuity Associates, where a lot of my fledgling contemporizes worked for Dick Giordano and Neal Adams (the gang at that time comprised of Terry Austin, Bob Wiacek, Jore Rubinstein, Bob McLeod, Joe Brosowski, Carl Potts and a host of others). To my relief, they all pitched in on the inking and we finished the entire book in less than four days."[1]

See Also

Links and References


  1. Vasseur, Richard (May 30, 2006) Interview with Bob Layton Jazma Online. Archived from the original on April 8, 2008. Originally retrieved on November 16, 2024.