Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Mask in the Iron Man - Part Four: My Bodyguard"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:

  • Humans (Main story and flashback)
  • Robots (Behind the scenes) (Main story and flashback)



Synopsis for "The Mask in the Iron Man - Part Four: My Bodyguard"

The armor doesn't take kindly to this and rips Stark out of it. It scoops Stark up and takes him to a remote island, giving him a choice: give himself to it entirely, or be left there to die.

Solicit Synopsis

  • As the world learned in January, Tony Stark now has to defend himself against his greatest invention - the Iron Man armor itself!
Who or what is controlling the single most deadliest weapon? And does Stark stand a chance against his own secret identity - or will this be the case of the creation surpassing the creator?


Chronology Notes[]

A flashback in this story affects the chronology of the following characters:
Iron Man (Tony Stark)


Legacy Numbering[]

See Also

Links and References

