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James I of England (Earth-311) (Discuss).
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King James believed the Witchbreed were of the Devil and that unless they were killed, God would be displeased. When offered, King James accepted a deal made with the Grand Inquisitor. He would give the Inquisition all Witchbreed captured in England, if the Inquisition helped James become King and helped make the English more willing to have the Witchbreed killed. When the Queen was killed, James marched to London to take her throne and ordered Sir Nicholas Fury to go to Carlos Javier's school. James did not, however, come through with his part to deliver the Witchbreed to the Inquisition and Fury betrayed him and freed the prisoners. James responded by imprisoning Fury's associates and beheading Dr. Stephen Strange. James sent his right hand man, Banner, and Fury's assistant, Peter, to the New World with orders to kill Fury, though their mission did not succeed. After his coronation James was the first man to rule over Scotland and England and was making strides towards conquering Ireland. Then, one night Matthew Murdoch paid him a visit in the dark of night and made James realize he was not invulnerable.

See Also

Links and References

