Marvel Database


James Dore invented a flying suit during WWII and decided to use it to fight crime. He became a founding member of the Golden Agency working alongside such allies as Power Princess and Professor Imam, as well as alongside his faithful wife who shared in his adventures as Mrs. American Eagle. During this period he served in both the European and Asian theaters of war. He continued to operate as the American Eagle until his son was old enough to take over at which point he retired and passed the suit and name to his son. James and his son eventually had a falling out over politics and James Jr. took various other heroic aliases. In the aftermath of the Overmind's takeover and downfall it became difficult to acquire the basic necessities and James was unable to get his heart medicine and died. Before he died he wrote a letter to his son telling him how proud he was of him and also designed a new costume for him. James Jr. was inspired to adopt the suit and alias of the Blue Eagle.



Inventive mind and capable athletic abilities



Flying harness and triangular shield

See Also

Links and References

