In the dystopian future of Earth-9200, the Hulk became a tyrannical dictator called Maestro, and the Shulk joined forces with the Abomination to try to defeat him. They almost did, but, in the end, Maestro was the victor. Then, in order to show them how defeated they were, Maestro murdered three entire villages. Feeling she had failed, the Shulk went after him again on her own, being defeated once more and imprisoned in a sarcophagus in his castle.[1]
Seven years later, Abomination took over Castle Maestro following the his disappearance. Abomination's vizier Kaspin found the sarcophagus and showed it to Emil, who rescued Shulk and brought her to his bedroom, planning to make her his bride.[1]
Shulk woke up to Emil touching her hair. She hit him telling him not to touch her. She then learned that a woman (Betty-6) was pregnant with Maestro's child and had escaped into the past of Earth-616. Still not fully recovered, she knocked out Emil and took Kaspin with her into the past to kill the woman and end Maestro's line.[2]
There, they ran into Cyberslik, who told Shulk where Betty-6 was. She arrived at that era's Abomination's home and was told that Betty-6 was under his protection. Feeling there was no time to explain things, Shulk threw Abomination through a window and then beat down two others trying to protect Betty-6. When she entered Betty's room and found the mother and newborn son, she realized she had become a monster but decided that it was still necessary to kill the infant. Before she could go through with it though, Kaspin gave her a serious concussion with his mental powers to stop her. Already in a debilitating condition, Shulk died, but not before telling past-Abomination her last words.[3]Attributes
Gamma Mutate Physiology: Shulk is a gamma mutate with abilities similar to her cousin's, in adittion to some others:
- Superhuman Durability: Shulk is durable enough to handle herself in a fight with Maestro.[1]
- Superhuman Strength: Shulk is strong enough to knock out the Abomination with her fists.[2]
- Retractable Bone Claws: Shulk can grow bone claws out of hands and forearms, which she can use in a fight.[4]