Marvel Database


Vision was one of the many heroes and villains present at Prison 42 when both Iron Man and Captain America's forces began fighting each other.[1] After the separation of the two sides, Hercules fought on the side of Tony with the Iron and was present at the Battle of the Divide‏‎ fighting several of the heroes of the Blue. He along with everyone else on both sides was telepathically informed of the Skrulls deception and went down to the Divide when both Stark and Rogers activated the bomb developed by the Bellcurve Project which stripped all of the people of their powers.[2] The fate of the Vision after this is unknown due to his abilities being tech based, he may still be in possession of his powers.


  • On Earth-616, Vision fought on the Anti-Registration side with Captain America. For unknown reasons, though never explicit, he appears to be fighting for Iron Man, since he seen attacking Cap's forces.

See Also

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