Marvel Database

Appearing in "I, the Pharaoh"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "I, the Pharaoh"

This story starts in the present and depicts a man dreaming that he is a Pharaoh and ends in the past with the Pharaoh recovering from a delusion where he thought he was a man from 1956.

Appearing in "He Hides Among Us"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "He Hides Among Us"

A doctor raises a Martian child among humans as an experiment. When a young man breaks several athletic records, his rival for the affection of a young girl digs through the doctor's records attempting to prove his suspicions regarding alien origin. The doctor catches him going through the files and confronts the snoop with the knowledge that he might be the alien since he does not remember his parents, and the man leaves town to kept the secret quiet. At the wedding of the athletic man and the young girl, the doctor's thoughts reveal that it is the girl who is the Martian.

Appearing in "The Floating City"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Floating City"

An architect builds a bridge that collapses but is approached by an alien who appreciates his daring and contracts him to build a suspended city in the desert.

Appearing in "Something Is Happening In There"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Something Is Happening In There"

A yokel thinks his neighbor has a time machine in his barn, but it's really just a new design for a car wash.

Appearing in "The Lost Land"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Lost Land"

People living in paradise test potential new recruits with a pile of gold. If they take any, they are expelled.

See Also

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