Marvel Database

Quote1 Some people go to football games for amusement...or to dances...or to the movies...but not Wilcox...he goes to funerals! Quote2
—From the splash page of "Death"

Appearing in "Death!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Death!"

When a scientist reanimates the body of a murder victim he has freshly killed in order to learn what death is like, his victim shows him by strangling him.

Appearing in "Wings of the Vampire!"

Featured Characters:

  • Rudolf von Milch

Supporting Characters:


  • Thomas Kreuzer

Other Characters:

Races & Species:




Synopsis for "Wings of the Vampire!"

A European village inspector thinks he is safe from the town vampire by locking himself inside the jail, but it turns out that is the vampire's hideout.

Appearing in "The Perfect Specimen!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Perfect Specimen!"

When a recruiting station tests what appears to be the perfect recruit they are surprised the x-ray results reveal him to be a robot.

Appearing in "The Man Who Went Back"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Man Who Went Back"

An escaped killer due to be hanged gets on a bus that moves forward in time so that the passengers age rapidly. He threatens to driver to turn back with his gun and the driver does as he's told, depositing the killer back at the scaffold.

Appearing in "Til Death Do Us Part!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Til Death Do Us Part!"

A man who murders his wives for their money hooks up with a woman who just murders her husbands for kicks.

See Also

Links and References

