Marvel Database
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| Logo = Jubilee_Logo.png
|main = Jubilation Lee (Earth-616)
|main_name = Jubilation Lee
| Main Character = [[Jubilation Lee (Earth-616)|Jubilation Lee]]; Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) Wolverine and Jubilee -1.jpg
| Description =
|main_title = Jubilee
|main_image = Generation X Vol 1 87 Textless.jpg
|logo = <center>[[File:Jubilee Logo.png]]</center>
|noimage = No Image Female.jpg
|description =
| alternative1 = Jubilee
| Alternate1 = Earth-TRN566; No Image Female.jpg
| Alternate2 = 161; Jubilee (Earth-161) 0001.jpg
| Alternate3 = 295;Jubilee (Earth-295) 002.jpg
| Alternate4 = 811; Wolverine Days of Future Past Vol 1 1 page 01 Jubilation Lee (Earth-811).jpg
| Alternate5 = 928; Jubilation Lee (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 44.jpg
| Alternate6 = 957; Jubilation Lee (Earth-957).jpg
| Alternate7 = 982
| Alternate8 = 1008
| Alternate9 = 1020
| Alternate10 = 1035; Jubilation Lee (Earth-1035).jpg
| Alternate11 = 1036; Jubilation Lee (Earth-1036) from X-Men Millennial Visions Vol 1 2001.jpg
| Alternate12 = 1081
| Alternate13 = 1298
| Alternate14 = 1610; Ultimate Jubilee 01.jpg
| Alternate15 = 2301; Jubilation Lee (Earth-2301) from X-Men Ronin Vol 1 5 0001.jpg
| Alternate16 = 7642; Jubilation Lee (Earth-7642) Generation X Gen¹³ Vol 1 1.jpg
| Alternate17 = 8545
| Alternate18 = 9047; Jubilation Lee (Earth-9047) from What The-- Vol 1 26.jpg
| Alternate19 = 9411; Jubilation Lee (Earth-9411) Spectacular Spider-Man (UK) Vol 1 136.jpg
| Alternate20 = 9670; Jubilee_9670.png
| Alternate21 = [[Jubilation Lee (Earth-9922)|Vertigo]]
| Alternate22 = 9997; Jubilation Lee (Earth-9997) Earth X Vol 1 0.jpg
| Alternate23 = 11326; Jubilation Lee (Earth-11326) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 245 0001.jpg
| Alternate24 = [[Jubilation Lee (Earth-13729)|Wolverine]]; Jubilation Lee (Earth-13729) 004.png
| Alternate25 = 18119; Jubilation Lee (Earth-18119) from Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows Vol 2 6 001.jpg
| Alternate26 = 21993; Jubilation Lee Earth-21993.jpg
| Alternate27 = 34922; Jubilee (Earth-34922) 002.jpg
| Alternate28 = 41001; Jubilation Lee (Earth-41001) from X-Men The End Vol 1 3 page 09.jpg
| Alternate29 = 58163; Jubilation Lee (Earth-58163) 01.jpg
| Alternate30 = 77995
| Alternate31 = 91240; Jubilation Lee (Earth-91240) from Runaways Vol 4 3 001.jpg
| Alternate32 = [[Jubilation Lee (Earth-92352)|Abcissa]]; Jubilation Lee (Mojoworld).jpg
| Alternate33 = 95120; Jubilation Lee (Earth-95120) 001.jpg
| Alternate34 = 95169; Jubilee_95169.png
| Alternate35 = 97193; Jubilation Lee (Earth-97193).jpg
| Alternate36 = 98193
| Alternate37 = 807128; Jubilation Lee (Earth-807128) from Old Man Logan Vol 2 8 001.png
| Alternate38 = 901237
| Alternate39 = [[Jubilation Lee (Earth-TRN533)| ]]; Jubilation Lee (Earth-TRN533) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 28 001.png
| Alternate39 = [[Jubilation Lee (Earth-TRN648)| ]]; No Image Female.jpg
| Movies1 = 10005; Jubilation Lee (Earth-10005) from X2 (film) 0001.jpg
|include1 = Jubilation Lee (Earth-957); Jubilation Lee (Earth-957).jpg
| Movies2 = 700029; Jubilee (Earth-700029) 0001.jpg
|include2 = Jubilation Lee (Earth-6109); Jubilation Lee (Earth-6109).jpg
|include3 = Jubilation Lee (Earth-9411); Jubilation Lee (Earth-9411) Spectacular Spider-Man (UK) Vol 1 136.jpg
|include4 = Jubilation Lee (Earth-80920)
|include5 = Jubilation Lee (Earth-97193); Jubilation Lee (Earth-97193).jpg
|include6 = Jubilation Lee (Earth-97643)
|include7 = Jubilation Lee (Earth-1191)
|exclude1 = Jubilation Lee (War Skrull)
| Television1 = 11052
| Television2 = 12041; No_Image_Female.jpg
| Television3 = 80920; No_Image_Female.jpg
| Television4 = 92131
| Television5 = 121193; Jubilation Lee (Earth-121193) cut.jpg
| Television6 = [[Jubilee (Earth-961116)|Jubilee]]; Jubilee (Earth-961116) cut.jpg
| Others1 = [[Darla (Fatboys) (Earth-616)|Darla]]; Darla (Fatboys) (Earth-616) from New Mutants Annual Vol 1 2 0001.jpg
| Video Games1 = 6109; Jubilation Lee (Earth-6109).jpg
| Others2 = [[Jubilation Lee (War Skrull) (Earth-616)|Skrull Subversive]]; Jubilation Lee (War Skrull) (Earth-616).jpg
| Video Games2 = 7964
| Video Games3 = 30847; Jubilation Lee (Earth-30847) from Marvel vs Capcom Clash of Super Heroes 0001.jpg
| Related1 = [[Sparrow]]; Jubilation Lee (Earth-9602) from Amalgam Comics (Trading Cards) 0001.jpg
| PossibleAlternate1 = 1003;
| Related2 = [[Adorable_X-Babies_(Mojoverse)/Members#Jubilee|Jubilee<br>Adorable X-Babies]]; Jubilee (Mojoverse) from X-Babies Vol 1 3 0001.jpg
| Others1 = [[Jubilation Lee (War Skrull) (Earth-616)|Jubilee<br>(War Skrull)]]; Jubilation Lee (War Skrull) (Earth-616).jpg
| Others2 = [[Darla (Fatboys) (Earth-616)|Jubilee<br>(Bratpack Member)]]; Darla (Fatboys) (Earth-616) from New Mutants Annual Vol 1 2 0001.jpg
| Others3 = [[Jubilee (Earth-TRN414)|Jubilee]]; Jubilation Lee (Earth-TRN414) from X-Men Apocalypse 0002.jpg
| Related1 = [[Jubilation Lee (Earth-9602)|Sparrow]]
| Related2 =
| New Header1 = Possible Alternate Reality Versions
| New Header1_1 = 1003;
<!-- The new header will have to be removed once the possiblealternate field will be in place -->

Revision as of 02:51, 6 October 2020

Comic Versions

Live-Action Versions

Animated Versions

Video Game Versions

See Also