Appearing in "Raknor the Slayer!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Quarlians
- Raknor the Slayer
- Brokar the Schemer
- Spartran
- Sheenarians
- Saxtur
- Klaw
- Kramen
Other Characters:
Races and Species
- Humans
- Smilodon
- Quarlians
- Sheenarians
- Kramen
- Quarlian Gnomes
- Quarl
- Sheenars
- Savage Land
Synopsis for "Raknor the Slayer!"
- Synopsis not yet written
- Cover art: modification on Ka-Zar's face by Romita.
- Letters (story pages): Saladino (uncredited) page 1, Mantlo pages 2-17.