Marvel Database


Khora is a mutant from Arakko. On Arakko she served as an assassin and primarily used her power only to boost her own abilities in battle, because other Arakkii considered it as an insult to even suggest that they needed her help.[3]

After Arakko reunited with Krakoa, Khora was contacted by the S.W.O.R.D. and paired with Amelia Voght. Together they assassinated faction heads of various Zn'rx royal bloodlines, effectually ending the Snarkwar by leaving only one candidate who was now indebted to Earth.[3]

After completing their mission, Khora was officially announced as Cortez's replacement in the Six during his meeting with the Quiet Council (with Abigail Brand and Peepers sitting in).[3]

Khora was sent on a mission to Breakworld led by Cable who saw her as a kindred spirit since they had both spent their whole lives fighting in wars. She approved of Wiz-Kid's suggestion that the team be named X-Terminators. After the mission was over Cable told them he would call on their services again at a later point.[2]



Living Power Plant: Khora's heart is an internalized combustion furnace which serves as a perpetual life force generator. It is part of the reason why her body is alight with dynamic sinuous energy, from this constant energy source she can derive incredible physical capability as well as propel the powers of others around her to greater heights.[3]

  • Energy Transferal: Khora can pass her inherent dynamism around in order to better diversify her powers.[3]
    • Power Amplification: She can also share her life force with mutants around, which would amplify their powers.[3] This also extends the flaming skeletal appearance of her torso to her entire body.[2]
  • Physical Augmentation: Khora can use her life force to boost her own strength, speed, and fighting capabilities, making her stronger than ten trained soldiers in battle.[4]



  • Sword


S.W.O.R.D Teleport Team


  • Khora's powers and potential to serve as replacement of Cortez were first mentioned in S.W.O.R.D. (Vol. 2) #2 but her name was redacted out.

See Also

Links and References

