Appearing in "The Witch of the Mists"
Featured Characters:
- ⏴ King Conan of Aquilonia ⏵ (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Zenobia
- Conn (Conan)
- Prospero
- Sir Valens
- Euric
- Aquilonian Army
- Hyperboreans
- White Hand (First appearance)
- Louhi (First appearance)
- Kamoinen (First appearance; dies)
- White Hand (First appearance)
- Beastmen
- Thoth-Amon of the Black Ring
- Pra-Eun, Sacred God-King of Angkhor, Lord of the Scarlet Circle (First appearance; dies)
- Great Shaman Nenaunir, Prophet and High Priest of Damballah
Other Characters:
- Black Corsairs (Only in recap)
- Bêlit (Only in recap)
- Conan's unnamed third child, a daughter (Mentioned)
- Red Ymir (Conan's horse)
- Marduk (Conn's horse)
- Picts (Referenced)
- Yah Chieng (Mentioned)
Invocations and Deities:
- Crom (Invoked)
- Mitra (Invoked)
- Damballah/Father Set (Mentioned)
- Ishtar (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Stags (Mentioned)
- Great Bears (Mentioned)
- Gray Wolves (Mentioned)
- Snow-Dragons (Mentioned)
- Sabre-tooth (Mentioned)
- Swamp-Dogs
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- Hyboria (Main story and flashback)
- Cimmeria (Only in flashback)
- Aquilonia (Main story and flashback)
- Border Kingdom
- Swamp Country
- Great Salt Marsh (Referenced)
- Swamp Country
- Hyperborea
- Pohiola (Destruction)
- Far East (Mentioned)
- Anghkor, Kambuja (Mentioned)
- Khitai (Mentioned)
- Zembabwei (Mentioned)
- Stygia (Mentioned)
- Hyboria (Main story and flashback)
- Conn's falchion
- Poitanian Wine (Mentioned)
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "The Witch of the Mists"
- Synopsis not yet written
- The Witch of the Mists is adapted from the story by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter.
- Shooter is consulting editor.