Appearing in "The Haunter of the Cenotaph"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Count Trocero
- Darweena
- Queen Zenobia
- Alcemides
- Picts
- Prospero
- Cult of Pentagar Zex (First appearance)
- Cynnera (First appearance; dies)
- Death-Shaper (First appearance; dies)
- Falen (First appearance; dies)
- Unnamed assassin (First appearance; dies)
Other Characters:
- Taurus, master smith (First appearance)
- Conan's father (Mentioned)
- Cypios (First appearance)
Deities and Invocations:
- Pentagar Zex
- Crom (Mentioned)
- Moloch (Invoked)
- Mitra (Mentioned)
- Mother Danu (Invoked)
- Epona (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Hyboria
- Nemedia
- Western Nemedia
- Thalia (First appearance)
- Arbor Lane (First appearance)
- Cenotaph of Pentagar Zex (First appearance)
- Zarond (street) (First appearance)
- Arbor Lane (First appearance)
- Thalia (First appearance)
- Western Nemedia
- Aquilonia
- Cimmeria (Mentioned)
- Black River (Mentioned)
- Beyond the Black River (Mentioned)
- Nemedia
- Hyboria
- Moloch's Hell (Invoked)
- Hades (Invoked)
- Medallions (First appearance)
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "The Haunter of the Cenotaph"
- Synopsis not yet written