Commander A, the genetically modified Captain America of an alternate future of Earth, was summoned by the Contemplator along with four other Captain Americas from different time periods as someone was excising Captain Americas across the Multiverse. This would have initiated an entropic wave that would have obliterated all realities. Commander A and the other Captain Americas were sent in a 21th century America, the period from which the excises took place, and they opposed them and faced the Americommand.[1]
- Twin Energy Shields
- Kiyoshi is known to be multiracial.
- Thus, He’s of Latino, African American, Japanese and Native American descent.
See Also
- 5 appearance(s) of Kiyoshi Morales (Earth-11831)
- 1 minor appearance(s) of Kiyoshi Morales (Earth-11831)
- 9 image(s) of Kiyoshi Morales (Earth-11831)
- 1 item(s) used/owned by Kiyoshi Morales (Earth-11831)
Links and References
- ↑ [[Captain America Corps Vol 1 1-5|[[Captain America Corps #1]]-5]]