Ksa was a leader of an unnamed, highly advanced, and humanitarian alien race. They discovered a form of cosmic dust traveling through the universe infecting alien races with a deadly plague. Having developed an antidote, thye provided it to the various worlds effected by the cosmic dust. By 1954 the plague had hit the planet Earth, already in the grip of the Cold War. The appearance of the plague and sightings of Ksa's flying saucer caused widespread panic and led people to believe that the alien visitors were responsible for the plague.[1]
Believing contrary, the Human Torch and Toro boarded the alien vessel and learned of Ksa's mission and agreed to try and tell the people of Earth the true intention of Ksa's visit to Earth. However, while trying to quell a mob the Torch and Toro had their flames doused and put in a room that sprayed them with water.[1]
Undaunted by his goal, Ksa landed on Earth alone and tried to present the cure to the people who surrounded his ship. The angry mob beat Ksa within an inch of his life. But Ksa managed to give the antidote as he died, making the frenzied mob realize how wrong they really were.[1]