Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Kyi was a young gymnast who wanted to join Taskmaster's Academy to train and become a mercenary.[3] He infiltrated the Academy by tagging after Diamondback and Siren. Taskmaster at first refused to accept young kid, but Kyi managed to convince him by demonstrating his teleporting powers.[1] Kyi soon discovered that the Academy was full of explosives, installed by Diamondback. Taskmaster found where she was and Kyi tried to open portal to teleport himself, Taskmaster and Siren there and the Academy exploded in the last moment. Either due to the explosion or for another reason, but the portal was affected and malfunctioned; Siren was teleported back to her own reality,[2] and where Kyi and Taskmaster ended up is unknown.



Portal Creation: Jolt was able to create portals between two locations. Normally he only created them between locations in his direct line of sight, and only used them himself.[1][2] The only time he tried to take two more people with him and teleport to a much more distant location the portal malfunctioned, but it is unknown if it was caused by distance, additional people, or the explosion that happened right when the portal was closing.[2]


Athletic Skills: Jolt was a gymnast.[3]


  • Kyi considered to use codename Leaper, because he called his power leaping, and Jumper, which he decided was too cute, before stopping at Jolt, because people were jolting every time he leaped.[2]

See Also

Links and References

