In the year 2092 of Earth-9485 (a divergent Earth-928), Kyle Grobe and his son Darrion were working on a project for the technology company Alchemax involving time travel by creating a protective armor called a "time shell." The two discovered a dimension comprised of kinetic energy (the same dimension from which the hero Speedball drew his powers), and Darrion suggested this would be an alternative to the time shell, as time had no meaning within the dimension. However, his father refused, and, in the process of rushing the project to completion, Kyle Grobe was swept into the time stream and merged with the time shell, dying himself and creating the techno-organic being called Advent.[1]
As Advent, Kyle Grobe manipulated the past to change his future. His son, Darrion, protected from the alteration by having creating a pocket reality during the experiment, was determined to fix the mess his father created. He found Speedball in the kinetic dimension and created a duplicate body of the hero, transferred his own consciousness into it, and replaced Speedball with the duplicate. For some time, Darrion lived as Speedball and with Speedball's teammates, the New Warriors. However, Darrion's presence created chaos with time itself, and the villainous Sphinx confronted the New Warriors, ultimately drawing Advent to the scene. The Sphinx killed the Speedball duplicate and he and Advent escaped. The Warrior Timeslip was with the duplicate as it died, and she received Darrion's memories. Timeslip used her knowledge and powers to transport the New Warriors to the future. There, a holographic persona of Darrion further helped the Warriors to undo all of Advent's manipulations. Ultimately, the team had to enter the kinetic dimension and join the true Speedball in defeating Advent before returning home.[1]See Also
Links and References
- Danny Wall's Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe