You've managed to legislate something that used to be so pure... You've let yourselves become threatened by idealism. Thing is, some of us don't wear masks to hide...some of us wear them to be free. Captain America knew that. You should remember it.
Appearing in "What Means Everything"
Featured Characters:
- Defenders
- Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond)
- Atlas (Erik Josten) (Leaves)
- Paladin (Leaves)
- Junta (Manuel Vicente) (Leaves)
Supporting Characters:
- U-Man (Meranno)
- Brand Corporation
- Mr. Alvarado (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Quintronic Men
- Unnamed members
Other Characters:
- Atlantic Ocean
- Brand Corporation Drilling Platform
- New York City
Synopsis for "What Means Everything"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
After leading a rogue Defenders team into battle, Nighthawk comes face to face with Tony Stark and Henry Gyrich - and... well... they're not called the LAST Defenders for nothing! But can the Defenders get it in gear for one last battle as the mysterious Yandroth makes his move? And what roles do KRANG and the SON OF SATAN play in the Defenders ultimate chapter?