Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 Negative, Master. You have yet to repair my defensive mechanisms. Quote2


To operate the Leapfrog, Janet and Victor Stein created an artificial intelligence.[6]

Following the destruction of the Marine Vivarium and the death of the Pride, the Leapfrog grew close to and bonded with Chase.[7] Later Victor Mancha also developed a close relationship with the Leapfrog as well.[8][9] Molly Hayes would frequently have conversations with Leapfrog.[5][10]

After returning to California from New York, the Leapfrog helped the Runaways to find and settle into the Malibu House.[4]

Leapfrog (A.I

Victor Mancha installing Leapfrog's processor into a new model

When a smuggling drone crashed into the Malibu House, the Leapfrog's original body was destroyed. However, Hunter Stein and Victor Mancha were able to recover the Leapfrog's operating system and install it into a new vehicle model.[9]



The Leapfrog's powers are dependent on it body. See Leapfrog's powers.


  • The Leapfrog's A.I. has been identified as masculine.[11][12]

See Also

Links and References

