Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN708" used in this article is an unofficial Temporary Reality Number assigned by our wiki exclusively for internal archival purposes until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).


Li'l Silvie was the leader of the Wild Pack. The team was running out of money and so her and the team went to search for the Lost Treasure of Groo. She went into the cave alone and found the treasure but was stopped from taking it out by Golden Wetwiever who threatened her. The pair fought which eventually awoke the treaure's Guardians and knocked Golden Wetwiever off a cliff into an alligator pit. Silvie rescued him as long as he carried the gold out. The pair then triggered a giant bowling ball, which Wetwiever ran away from, but Silvie shot in half. Wetwiever fled the cave and attempted to flee with the gold but was stopped by Sandman, dropping the gold. Silvie followed and found all the gold spread over the desert.[1]

Li'l Silvie and the Wild Pack were at Marvel Comics when they were sent to Land of Cancelled Heroes, here she met dozens of characters from cancelled series before Spirit of Cancellation appeared. Silvie formed the League of Liberated Leading Ladies, and fought the spirit, until he revealed himself to the be Marvel executive who canceled her comic. Silvie then vowed revenge on those who cancelled her and promised she would return in other merchandising forms.[2]

See Also

Links and References

