Appearing in "Logan: Path of the Warlord"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Landau, Luckman & Lake
- Chang
- Rose Carling ⏵ (First appearance chronologically)
- Oracle
- Assassins
- Kimora (First appearance)
- Shadow walker
- Shadow lover
- Elite guard
Other Characters:
- Dr. Michael Carling (First appearance; dies)
- Guard Kani (Mentioned)
- Miyagi (Mentioned)
- Sensei
- Monk
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Asia
- Japan
- Honshu
- Tokyo
- Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture (Mentioned)
- Jasmine Falls
- Honshu
- Japan
- Asia
- Kageumbra (First appearance)
- Pistol
- Swords
- Sickle with hook
- Knives
- Katana
- Bokken
- Flying daggers
- Rift (Destroyed)
- Axe
Synopsis for "Logan: Path of the Warlord"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Before the X-Men... Before Wolverine... Before Weapon X... There was the man named Logan.
He stands on the edge of the precipice, alone - a man who must conquer the beast within before an enemy stranger than any he has known destroys him.
To do so, he will have to enter a world in which hope is as alien as the landscape...and where the only borders on the map are drawn in the blood of the conquered.
Earth's one chance at salvation lies down this path...See Also
- 4 image(s) from Logan: Path of the Warlord Vol 1 1
- 5 reprint(s) of Logan: Path of the Warlord Vol 1 1