- —Milo[src]
Lucien, also known as Milo, was born into wealth and shared a lifelong bond with Michael Morbius both burdened by a rare blood ailment. Utilizing his considerable resources, Milo financed Horizon Labs' research endeavors, seeking a remedy for their shared affliction.
But when Morbius unearthed what appeared to be a potential cure, Milo's desperation led him to pilfer the solution for himself, inadvertently turning him into a living vampire.
In a private hospital nestled within the serene confines of Greece, ten-year-old Michael Morbius eagerly greets the arrival of his surrogate brother, Lucien, who he promptly rechristens "Milo". Both children grapple with a rare blood disorder that obstructs their bodies' natural blood production. Michael's ingenuity saves Milo's life when he repairs his faltering blood pump. Their surrogate father, Dr. Nicholas, orchestrates Michael's enrollment in an esteemed American academy for gifted minds while personally tending to Milo's needs.
A quarter of a century elapses, transforming Milo into a formidable billionaire. Seeking Morbius at his laboratory, Milo's quest is twofold: to locate Martine and confront Morbius, unaware of Martine's dire condition. Astonishment washes over Milo as he discovers Morbius cured of his affliction but now driven by a relentless thirst for blood.
Outrage consumes Milo when Morbius denies him the cure. Subsequently, Morbius stumbles upon a grisly scene at the hospital, where a nurse lies drained of blood, triggering his flight from authorities, including Stroud and Rodriguez.
Behind bars, Morbius encounters Milo, masquerading as his legal counsel, offering liberation and unveiling his treachery. Realization dawns upon Morbius as Milo's departure unveils the stolen cure and a slain nurse, implicating Milo in a spree of vampire-like murders. Morbius confronts Milo, who entices him to embrace their vampiric nature, culminating in a deadly confrontation with law enforcement.
The following day, Morbius, haunted by recent events, confides in Martine, urging her to sever ties with Milo. Elsewhere, Stroud and Rodriguez unravel footage of Milo's atrocities, igniting a media frenzy. Nicholas implores Milo to halt his rampage, only to meet a tragic fate, echoing Milo's scorn for Morbius's favoritism.
As Martine falls victim to Milo's cruelty, Morbius rushes to her side, embracing her in her final moments. Consumed by grief and fury, Morbius confronts Milo, leading to a climactic showdown in the city's depths. Amidst a swarm of bats, Morbius subdues Milo, administering a transformative antidote that quells his bloodlust.
In Milo's dying breath, he acknowledges Morbius's acceptance and passes away. With heavy heart and newfound resolve, Morbius takes flight alongside his nocturnal brethren, embracing his vampiric legacy as the city watches in awe and trepidation.[1]Attributes
- Pseudo-Vampirism: Following the development of a supposed cure for his rare blood disease by Michael Morbius, Milo absconded with the serum and administered it to himself, inadvertently metamorphosing into a Living Vampire. Bestowed with pseudo-supernatural prowess and superhuman physical attributes, Milo surpassed the capabilities of ordinary humans. Despite lacking the typical weaknesses associated with traditional vampirism, such as aversions to holy water and sunlight, Milo found himself compelled to consume blood. Utilizing his powers invoked a transformation in Milo's appearance, featuring protruding fangs and claws, a flattened nose, and a pallid, grey complexion. Milo's mastery over his vampiric nature, fueled by his consumption of fresh human blood, appeared to amplify and refine his abilities beyond those of Michael Morbius, who subsisted on artificial blood. Living Vampires possess the uncanny ability to manifest bat-like characteristics, exemplified in Milo's flattened nose, ashen skin tone, and eyes that oscillated in color, reflecting the utilization of his various abilities—from blood red to starry white. Additionally, Milo's transformation endowed him with razor-sharp fangs and claws capable of rending flesh effortlessly.
- Superhuman Strength: Milo's physical strength far exceeded that of ordinary humans, enabling him to effortlessly overpower adversaries, hurl heavy objects great distances, and demolish obstacles with ease. His blows could shatter walls and doors, and he demonstrated dominance over Michael Morbius in their confrontations.
- Superhuman Durability: Possessing heightened resilience, Milo's vampiric physiology rendered him impervious to conventional forms of harm, shrugging off wounds that would prove fatal to ordinary humans, including falls from considerable heights, puncture wounds, and impacts from superhuman adversaries.
- Superhuman Speed: Milo exhibited remarkable swiftness, moving at velocities imperceptible to human perception. His agility allowed him to navigate environments with exceptional fluidity, dispatch foes swiftly, and evade incoming threats, including projectiles.
- Superhuman Agility: Milo's enhanced agility and coordination surpassed the bounds of human capability, facilitating feats such as rapid traversal of urban landscapes, acrobatic maneuvers, and scaling vertical surfaces with ease.
- Superhuman Stamina: Milo's vampiric physiology endowed him with inexhaustible stamina, enabling sustained physical exertion without succumbing to fatigue. Regular consumption of blood sustained his vitality, with deprivation resulting in the resurgence of his blood disorder.
- Superhuman Reflexes: Milo's reflexes surpassed human limits, allowing him to evade attacks with preternatural ease and retaliate with precision. His heightened perception facilitated engagements at high speeds, including combat with Michael Morbius.
- Superhuman Senses: Possessing predatory senses, Milo could perceive his environment with exceptional clarity, tracking targets over great distances using heightened sight, hearing, and smell. Echolocation further augmented his tracking abilities, enabling him to navigate urban landscapes effortlessly.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Milo's vampiric regeneration facilitated rapid recovery from injuries, surpassing the restorative capabilities of ordinary humans. Regular blood consumption sustained his enhanced vitality, mitigating the resurgence of his blood disorder.
- Claws
- Milo is capable of flight
- Matt Smith portrays Milo in the film Morbius.
- Joseph Esson portrays a younger Milo in Morbius.
- Lucien's full name is not revealed in the movie. Several other wikis refer to him as Lucien Crown, the only source that includes this name is an article on Jared Leto and Matt Smith on Michael and Milo's friendship.[2] As such, the Marvel Database will not assume that the surname is shared with his variant Loxias Crown.
- Lucien is a variant of Loxias Crown from Earth-616.
See Also
- 1 appearance(s) of Lucien (Earth-688B)
- 2 minor appearance(s) of Lucien (Earth-688B)
- 2 image(s) of Lucien (Earth-688B)
- 1 quotation(s) by or about Lucien (Earth-688B)