When the iconic duo Luke Cage and Iron Fist joined forces together, they tested the prototype of the so-called "Power Fist-mobile". When Luke Cage fell out of the Flying car inspired by the Fantasticar, he landed against a wall close to Manslaughter Marsdale. Manslaughter felt like this was a planned attack against him, so he attacked the duo by throwing a hotdog-cart at them, which started a fight. Both parties were unaware that the fight was recorded by a kid who posted it and went viral.
Manslaughter could no longer feel pain after undergoing an unspecified operation.
Manslaughter usually wore a pair of knuckle-dusters.
See Also
- 10 appearance(s) of Manslaughter Marsdale (Earth-616)
- 2 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Manslaughter Marsdale (Earth-616)
- 2 image(s) of Manslaughter Marsdale (Earth-616)