Marvel Database


After attracting the hostile attention of Goom of Planet X, Mark Langley realizes that any civilization possessing such advanced technology must be benevolent and that his radar transmissions must have been intercepted by a criminal. He rebroadcasts to Planet X, and the Earth officials plan to execute him as a traitor for summoning a full invasion fleet from Planet X, when the representatives from Planet X arrive and stop the execution and take Goom into their custody and leave the planet.[1]

Goom leaves an offspring in a cave to menace the family of Mark Langley who was responsible for his defeat. Googam is defeated when Langley's son Billy challenges him to a game of tag and runs off towards a pool of quicksand and then climbs a tree. When Googam sees the quicksand he mistakenly assumes that it is only mud since the boy must have run across it. Googam only sees the boy hiding in the tree as he sinks into the quicksand.[2]

See Also

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