Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Martha Poole (Earth-616) from Unbelievable Gwenpool Vol 1 25 001

While a regular citizen, Martha Poole also happened to be the Marvel Universe counterpart of Gwen and Teddy Poole's mother. Shortly after ending up in the Marvel Universe, Teddy visited the Poole residence, and tried to have Ted recognize him as his son. Martha was told by Ted to call the police to help the boy, but Teddy left.[1]

Some time later, the Pooles got a call that informed them that Gwenpool was allegedly their daughter. They took the matter to the NYPD, and talked with Officer Gray.[2]

When Teddy joined forces with future versions of Spider-Man, Vincent Doonan and Terrible Eye in order to return Gwen to their native universe,[1] they paid the Pooles' a big sum of money to rent their home allegedly for vacationing, and used it as part of their plan.[3]

Gwenpool later observed the counterparts of her parents from afar to confirm their existence in the Marvel Universe.[4]

Eventually, Martha and Ted Poole were visited by Gwen Poole, their daughter from an alternate universe. They were acceptant of her, and didn't even mind when their house's wall was blown up by Power Pack and Moon Girl when they were looking for Gwen.[5]

See Also

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