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Even though his physical body is dead, Andre is more powerful than ever. He can take people from all over the city, not just the ones he's come into contact with, and imprison them in the loa dimension where they listen to him play his music like zombies. Andre takes Mina Hess into his domain while she's studying Mayhem now that she and Brigid have become one person again. Tandy and Tyrone enter the loa dimension with Evita's help. To their dismay, Papa Legba is nowhere to be found, and the viewfinder that opened up other parts of the dimension. Tyrone creates a veve that Tandy lights up with her daggers - which Tyrone points out are "made of hope", that causes the mall to appear.

Tyrone and Tandy discover Andre's record store is completely empty. They go deeper inside the mall to find Andre playing his music in front of his enthralled audience. Andre traps them each inside fictional realities created from their own despair. Tandy comes face-to-face with a vision of her father, while Tyrone has to face the version of himself from the illusions Andre created when he abducted Tandy. In the real world, Mayhem saves Evita from shades Andre sent to stop her. One of the shades takes the form of Officer Fuchs. Mayhem overcomes her grief for her former lover to destroy this shade with a grenade.

Tandy and Tyrone escape from the illusions Andre trapped them in, with Tandy shaping her daggers into a sword in the process. Andre, however, puts them right back into their despair. Tyrone and Tandy choose to fight each other's opponent, and overcome them by fully realizing their appreciation for the other. Back in Andre's music hall, Tandy uses her daggers - physical embodiments of hope - to free the audience from Andre's control. Andre's powers weaken as they regain their senses. Tandy triggers Andre's migraines with a blinding light, and then comes down on him with her sword. This traps Andre in his own despair, and Tandy and Tyrone force him to listen to records created from his pain.

With Andre defeated, Tandy and Tyrone return to the real world. Tyrone's parents get back together. State Senator Henderson is arrested for his numerous crimes, and Mayhem hangs Connors' body up in a police station's gun range. Evita marks Andre's family tomb with a veve. Lia is put in jail, and picks up a missing persons poster for one of the girls she trafficked while cleaning up the side of a highway. Father Delgado resumes his life as a priest. Tyrone and Tandy take a bus away from New Orleans together.



  • This is the Season 2 finale of Marvel's Cloak & Dagger.

See Also

Links and References



  1. Freeform Episode 2010 Air Date 05/30/2019 "Level Up". Retrieved on 5 May 2019.