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Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Appearing in "Ape-okolips Now!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Nick Furry (First appearance)
  • Jarvis (Voice only) (Last appearance)
  • Ookla (First appearance)


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Ape-okolips Now!"

Tony Stark dreamed of himself confronting an unknown and morbid threat to his world before frightfully waking up. Seeing it as more than a dream but a warning, Tony saw in his dream hordes of humans entering his world. He heads to his lab to continue rebuilding the portal in order for his primate kind to take the initiative against the human race. Tony is then called by Nick Furry, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who requests his assistance as the Iron Mandrill in dealing with a rampaging Hulk in downtown Monkhattan. Tony is initially reluctant to interrupt his work, but then hears from Furry that the Hulk's rampage was due from waking up from a "bad dream".

Donning the Iron Mandrill armor, he finds the Hulk, angrily wanting to find and smash "rotten, hairless monkeys" that he had seen in his dream. Seeing Iron Mandrill, Hulk recognizes him from his dream and immediately wants to "smash" him. The two fight until being peacefully stopped by the Silverback Surfer, who says his arrival's purpose was the same dream that Iron Mandrill and the Hulk had concerning a threatening force. Then the trio are met by Nicole Furry of the year 2099, who tells them that the dreams mean the end of the world. Furry 2099 then tells them to follow her lead and that they must "meet the others."

Solicit Synopsis

In the face of a fate worse than death, the Ape Universe’s greatest minds and leaders must come together to save their world in a secret council known as, the Prime Eight! Black Bolt, king of the Inhominids! The invincible Iron Mandrill! Bruce Bananner, the incredible Hulk! Professor Xapier, leader of the X-Simians! Cleook, Sorceress Supreme! Dr. Doom, master of Latvookia! Silverback Surfer, Simian of the Spaceways! Nick Fury 2099, time traveling secret agent! Monkhattan stands on the brink of disaster in a story we had to call...APE-OKOPLIS NOW!

See Also

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