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Appearing in ""Save the Tiger" (Part VI of X) - Things Get Bad"

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Synopsis for ""Save the Tiger" (Part VI of X) - Things Get Bad"

Hoan explains to Wolverine how she became the Tyger when the Reavers partially brainwashed her and she returned home to find her bank business ruined. She found out Roche was behind the Reavers' attack and her subsequent blacklisting, so she went to Madripoor to dethrone Roche as the local crimelord. Wolverine points out that he fights crimelords, but she responds that he's honor bound to her for saving his life. They board a boat associated with the Tyger to find its crew slaughtered with signs pointing to Razorfist. The sound of one bound survivor draws Hoan into the cabin only to find it trapped with explosives. The boat goes up in flames with Wolverine and Hoan on it.

Appearing in ""Elements of Terror" (Part VI of XII) - The Horror Within"

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Other Characters:

  • Debbi Choate

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Synopsis for ""Elements of Terror" (Part VI of XII) - The Horror Within"

"Brass", revealed to be Selbert, reports to "Steel" (Choates) that the person in charge of the "juice" (Super soldier project) is now "Lime" (McDonald), replacing "Brew" (Railsback); but "Rodent" (Ditillio) is still missing, and "Demon" (Marea) has gone rogue, pursuing her own agenda with "Taco Bell" (apparently the Man-Thing, thou it could be Monteiro). Indeed, in Casagata, Marea is using her powers in an attempt to reach "The Master" through Man-Thing. In pain, she "enters his mind" to have a vision of the Super-Soldier guiding her to the masters, slaves, gods and demons - all of them hungry. The Super-Soldier vision warns Marea she'd soon be in constant pain forever, but she emerges from the Man-Thing, infatuated with pain, madness and chaos. In California's FSSI, McDonald and Nurse Kuyper inject the new serum to Railsback, so that the later would mutate or die; otherwise "the Board" Selbert fears Railsback would let the cat out of the bag. In Maryland, Choate propose to send "Corndog" (Zahner) to perform the "exorcism" on Taco Bell, even before looking for "Rodent", because Taco Bell knows, and Rodent only suspects; his wife Debbi attends him. Whoever Choate is speaking on the phone, he's in the White House.

Appearing in ""Crossing Lines" (Part VI of VIII) - Shoals"

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Synopsis for ""Crossing Lines" (Part VI of VIII) - Shoals"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in ""Risky Business""

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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Synopsis for ""Risky Business""

  • Synopsis not yet written


  • The issue has a wraparound jam cover of Wolverine by John Buscema and Klaus Janson, Shang-Chi by Tom Grindberg, the Hulk by Jeff Purves and the Man-Thing by Tom Sutton.
  • This issue reveals the origin of Tyger Tiger, who is formally revealed to be Jessan Hoan.
  • The "Save the Tiger" vignette from this issue was reprinted in the Wolverine: Save the Tiger! and the Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine Vol 1 trade paperbacks.

See Also

Recommended Reading

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