Marvel Database
Template Documentation:

Empty Syntax (Standard Options)

{{Marvel Database:Reality Template
| Title                   = 
| Image                   = 
| EarthNumber             = 
| EarthNumberRef          = 
| Aliases                 = 
| Status                  = 

| Creators                = 
| First                   = 

| History                 = 
| Residents               = 

| Notes                   = 
| Trivia                  = 
| Links                   = 


Always Present Fields

| EarthNumber             = # OF RELITY DESIGNATION
| EarthNumberRef          = REFERENCE FOR # OF RELITY
| Aliases                 = ALIASES
| Status                  = STATUS OF REALITY

| First                   = FIRST PUBLICATION

| History                 = HISTORY OF REALITY

| Notes                   = NOTES
| Trivia                  = TRIVIA
| Links                   = LINKS AND REFERENCES

Optional Fields

| Image                   = FILENAME

| Overview                = SHORT DESCRIPTION OF REALITY

| PointsOfInterest        = LOCATIONS IN REALITY
| Residents               = PEOPLE OF THE REALITY

| Creators                = CREATORS OF REALITY
| Destruction             = Appearance of Destruction