Marvel Database

Appearing in "Fandral's Follies"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Asgard
    • Stag's Head Inn
    • Elf Wood



Synopsis for "Fandral's Follies"

Continued from the previous issue, Loki tricks Una's father with one more false goat, leading him to commission Fandral to take the goat to the Isle of Love and get help from the priestess of Freya. The Isle of Love is populated only by maidens tending to the Temple of Freya, all of whom are sworn to vows forbidding them to love until their apprenticeship is over. Fandral nonetheless relentlessly flirts with every maiden he meets. He convinces the boat girl that even though she breaks her vows with him, he'll take her with him and marry her. When she notices him wooing other women immediately afterwards, she runs off heartbroken and prepares to leap from a cliff. When Fandral finds out, he fights the temptation to avoid taking responsibility and goes to talk her down, apologizing for his behavior and relaying the assurance from the priestess that she won't be punished for breaking her vows.

The priestess confirms that Fandral's goat is also a real goat, and through her own sorcery recognizes Loki as the source of Mord's curse. She sends Fandral back to Asgard's meadows to take the appropriate next steps. As he leaves, as part of his penance he reluctantly hands the priestess a comically large scroll of all the ladies he promised to marry, swearing not to seek them out again.


See Also

Links and References

