Marvel Database

Quote1 Enough! I shall return at the appointed time -- when all is in readiness. And see that it is -- if you value your miserable life -- or your precious immortal SOUL! Quote2

Appearing in "Nightmare on Bald Mountain!"

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Synopsis for "Nightmare on Bald Mountain!"

On Bald Mountain in Rutland, Vermont, worshipers of Dormammu summon their master. Dormammu demands that his followers that a sacrifice must be made on Halloween to facilitate Dormammu's entry into the Earthly domain; Dormammu then demands that Dr. Strange be used as the sacrifice. The followers attack Strange in his Sanctum Sanctorum in New York, and, in spite of the best efforts of Strange, Clea, and Wong, Dr. Strange is subdued and captured by Dormammu's followers.

Wong and Clea, with the aid of Strange's astral form gather Namor and the Hulk to help save Strange's mortal body. Travelling to Rutland where it's their annual Halloween parade, the group battles Dormammu's legions. During the battle, Strange confronts Dormammu in the Dark Dimension and fends him off, sealing the portal. An mystic explosion buries the followers of Dormammu, and the Defenders escape unscathed.

Appearing in "The Hidden World!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Sub-Mariner Comics #36

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lunarians (First appearance)
    • Numerous unnamed Lunarians

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Synopsis for "The Hidden World!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Sub-Mariner Comics #36

A supposed new moon that orbits around Earth undetected suddenly eclipses the sun, then much of the water on Earth begins to be pulled into space, threatening to put the planet through a drought of global proportions. Among those are the people of Atlantis who find their kingdom drained of water and only have hours before they will suffocate. During a meeting of the United Nations, the world governments accuse the Sub-Mariner for such an attack.

Hearing the reports in the news Betty Dean warns Namor and convinces him to do something about the problem, however Namor is furious at being wrongly accused for the crisis. Knowing only the surface water of the planet had been taken and knowing that there is a cistern of water under Betty's property, digs a hole in the yard to reach it. As soon as the water is exposed the same force pulls the water, and Namor into space and to the second moon. He finds himself on the surface and meets the alien inhabitants of the moon. They explain to him that when their moon passes the Earth they use the device to pull sucks Earth's water to it for a short period, allowing them to keep a relatively small amount of water for their people when the water is eventually returned to Earth. Furious with the people on the surface of the Earth for accusing him of the situation tells the aliens that they must keep the water away from the Earth.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Namora has come to the home of Betty Dean to try and find Namor to solve the crisis in Atlantis. Learning that Namor was pulled into space, Namora returns home to tell Princess Fen what happened. Fen then attempts to communicate with her son telepathically. The message is received by Namor who realizes that in getting revenge against the surface world he will doom his own people as well. Namor orders the aliens to return the water, but they refuse. Namor fights through them and reverses their devices sending all the water and himself back to Earth. Back on Earth, Namor returns to Atlantis where he is welcomed back home with open arms. He is informed by Namora that the surface dwellers still blame him for the episodes and he decides to leave to show the surface dwellers that he means revenge.

Solicit Synopsis

The Defenders are back - Sub-Mariner, the Hulk, and Dr. Strange - and just in time! For this is the hour when - the dread Dormammu returns!


Publication Notes[]

  • Cover art: modifications by Romita.
  • No letters page is published this issue. However the issue does feature two pages of full color cover advertisement for other comics published this month.


See Also

Links and References

