Marvel Database

Quote1 You define me. I define you. What you are, I am not. What you are not, I am. As you evolve... I evolve. Evolve or die. Quote2
The Other

Appearing in "Destiny's Child"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Other
  • Morlun (Only in flashback)

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Destiny's Child"

Peter follows the otherworldly being (who may be “The Other”), only for it to inform him that they are both parts of the same whole, that spider-based cosmic forces are vying for control of his life and that she (the being possesses recognizably female build) is his opposite. Apparently, although a spider-deity known as “The Great Weaver” thought that Spidey’s death was premature and pulled him back from his fate, others disagreed – and Peter feels his life being pulled in different directions as a result, at the center of a metaphorical spider’s web where he is unsure if he is the predator or the prey.

Solicit Synopsis

The fourth and final month of “The Other,” a startling super-story spanning four months that has turned the wall-crawler’s world upside down, and set the stage for the year to come, uniting the creative talents behind all three Spider-Man titles! With great power must come great responsibility...but what comes with great understanding? In the past few months, Peter Parker has traveled to places he never has before. Now the question is, can he go home?


  • Part Eleven of "Spider-Man: The Other - Evolve or Die" storyline.

See Also

Links and References

