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Quote1 The filthy swine will die trapped in their own infernal machine. War such as theirs is a horrible thing - they deserve to die. Quote2
Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie)

Appearing in "New York Hit by Green Flame"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Daily Press (Named only)
  • NYPD
    • Clancy (First appearance)
    • Inspector Reiss (First appearance)
    • Numerous unnamed police officers
  • Lord (Invoked)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "New York Hit by Green Flame"

Jim Hammond (Earth-616) from Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 4 001

After reports of a strange army of "Green Flames" attacking New York, the Human Torch is called into the city by his friend Johnson to face a new threat. Asked to take on an alias, the Torch decides on Jim Hamond. Arriving on Broadway, he is stopped by the police who tell him the city (which is in ruins) is under martial law. The police demand to know his identity when suddenly, a Green Flame arrives. The Torch flames on and battles the foe, realizing that green flame is freezing cold. Pouring on the heat, the Torch kills the Green Flame before he can give any information. Thinking the Torch had killed Jim Hamond, the police attempts to arrest him, however, the Torch manages to escape.

Meeting up with Johnson and his colleague Maizie, the Torch learns that the chaos has been caused by Dr. Manyac. He is threatening to destroy New York City if his demands of ransom are not met. When the city refuses to comply, he sends an army of Green Flames to take out the slums of New York. The Torch goes into action, and when Manyac takes Maizie hostage, the Torch frees her and easily defeats Manyac, turning him over to the authorities. When Inspector Reiss tries to arrest him for the murder of "Jim Hamond", the Torch flames off and reveals that they are the same man.

Appearing in "Butch the Giant"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • NYPD
    • Unnamed Police Chief
    • Numerous unnamed police officers


  • Devil's Playground Mob
    • Weasel (First appearance; dies)
    • Rickie (First appearance; dies)
    • Brink (First appearance)
    • Butch (First appearance; dies)
    • Numerous unnamed mobsters

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Butch the Giant"

Thomas Halloway (Earth-616) from Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 4 001

The Devil's Playground: Location of some of the worst mobsters in the city. A small time mobster named Brink usurps control of his boss's mob with the help of his giant, Butch. He sends Butch out to do his bidding causing chaos and murder across the city and stealing millions in loot. When the police attempt to stop Butch, they find that nothing they throw at him can harm the creature.

Butch (Earth-616) from Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 4 001


Learning of the trouble, the Angel swings into action and confronts the creature, who quickly becomes frightened by the Angel's superior fighting skills and flees. The Angel follows the creature with the police not far behind and they end up at Brink's hideout. While Brink and his men attempt to flee the scene, the Angel fights the creature to the death. Butch crashes through a wall and falls to his death to the street below. After the creature's death, Brink and his men are easily captured.

Appearing in "The Sub-Mariner Goes To War"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Royal Navy
  • Empire of Atlantis (Unnamed) (First appearance as Empire)
  • Unnamed Pilot (First appearance; dies)
  • Lord (Invoked)
  • Marie's Crew
    • Tim
    • Barbara
    • Unnamed Captain (Barbara's Father)
    • Numerous unnamed sailors

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "The Sub-Mariner Goes To War"

Namor McKenzie (Earth-616) from Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 4 001

Continued from last issue...

Tha-Korr from Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 4 001

Ice palace in Atlantis

Betty Dean convinces the Sub-Mariner to help to stop Nazi U-boat raids on supply ships, and Namor leaves her on the island to be recovered by the Navy. Returning to Atlantis, Namor convinces the Holy One to allow him to use the warships of Atlantis to stop the war. As Namor rushes off to find conflict, he vows to stop the war but not choosing sides, just stopping conflicts caused by the power mad governments forcing it's people to war.

He comes across an Allied cargo plane being shot out of the sky. Namor orders his fleet of sky subs to attack the Nazi fighters and then keeps the cargo plane afloat while the crew and cargo can be loaded into one of the Atlantean vessels to be taken to their destination. Checking the plane, Namor comes across a newspaper reporting how an American ship is being held by the Nazi's under suspicion of carrying contraband.

The Sub-Mariner rushes out to investigate the situation alone and sneaks aboard the ship, where he convinces the crew to secretly take over one of the U-Boats and use it to sink the other vessel guarding their ship. Their plot is a success, thanks to the help of Namor. He also orders his Atlantean comrades to submerge the mines to eliminate their threat and dives into the water ordering ship to continue on its course to Scotland.

This story is continued next issue...

Appearing in "The Claim Jumpers"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Buck (First appearance)
  • Buck's Gang
    • "Sharpie" (First appearance)
    • Numerous unnamed cohorts

Other Characters:

  • Manuel (First appearance)
  • Ben (Recording Office Clerk) (First appearance)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "The Claim Jumpers"

Jim Gardley (Earth-616) from Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 4 001

When gold prospectors Zeb and Luke find gold, Luke sends Zeb into town to stake their claim and warns him against telling anyone about it. However, when Zeb stops for water he tells his friend Manuel about their find. It is overheard by a pair of thugs who decide to follow him into town and try to trick Zeb out of his claim.

Jim Gardley (Earth-616) from Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 4 002

Jim Gardley riding Lightning

After Zeb has filed his claim, he is confronted by the men who convince him to go to the saloon for a drink, but instead attempt to rob him of his claim paperwork. When he refuses to give it up, they beat him badly and ride off to confront Luke.

Zeb is found by the Masked Raider who revives the man and promises to help him and protect Luke. They arrive just in time, as Luke has been tricked with a white flag and captured. Whole gang, except its leader Buck, flees when they see the Masked Raider. Buck tries to resist but The Masked Raider makes short work of him. However, when Zeb and Luke offer the Masked Raider a partnership in their gold operation, the hero has already departed.

Appearing in "Warning Enough"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Jim Stinson (First appearance)


  • "Slip" Rodney (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Anniston Police Department (First appearance)
    • Chief Simcox (Mentioned)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Warning Enough"

Steve Naylor is driving down the road when he reaches a hitchhiker. He picks him up and the hitchhiker turns out to be a escaped convict. He is forced to take the crook to the railroad tracks outside of town in order to flee the state. However, his uncharacteristic behavior alerts one of his friends to call the police who deduce the situation and come to his rescue. While the crook manages to flee, the authorities will be waiting for him when he gets off the train.

Appearing in "Electro: The Marvel of the Age"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Team Electro (First appearance)
    • Professor Philo Zog  (First appearance)
    • Dick Gardner (Operative 3) (First appearance)
    • Operative 1 (First appearance) (Cameo) (Unnamed)
    • Bill (Operative 4) (First appearance) (Cameo) (Unnamed)
    • Bill Dunn (Operative 7) (First appearance) (Cameo) (Unnamed)
    • Eight unnamed operatives


Other Characters:

  • Mike (First appearance)
  • Joyce Lovely (First appearance)
  • Mrs. Lovely (Joyce's Mother) (First appearance)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Electro: The Marvel of the Age"

Professor Zog creates a robot that he dubs Electro a crime fighting robot that he hopes will be his greatest contribution to mankind. With a successful test, he sets up an operation in which he hires a dozen law abiding men to be his field agents. Equipping them with portable telephones, he sends them out to investigate crimes and -- if need be, contact him to send Electro to help.

Agent number 3, Dick Gardner, finds a lead on the recent kidnapping of child actor Joyce Lovely and gets the drop of a crook and forces him reveal the girl was kidnapped by the Hymie Pazetto gang. He is taken to their hide out at the abandoned Pink Slipper Roadhouse where he gets the drop on the crooks and makes an escape attempt with the girl. As he drives away, Dick is shot and crashes. Captured, Gardner is thrown in a cellar along with Joyce.

Far from defeated, Dick calls Professor Zog who sends in Electro, who easily defeats the criminals and rescued both Dick and Joyce.

Appearing in "Quest for a Crime Boss"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Prosser (First appearance)
  • Lynne Froehm (First appearance)


  • Doc Wagner (First appearance)
  • Doc's Gang
    • Knuckles Johnson (First appearance; dies)
    • Two unnamed members

Other Characters:

  • New York Herald Tribune (Mentioned)
  • NYPD
    • Police Commissioner Walter Novak (First appearance) (Unnamed)
    • Numerous unnamed police officers
  • Unnamed Coroner
  • Prima (First appearance)
  • Numerous unnamed New Yorkers
  • Matty (Behind the scenes)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Quest for a Crime Boss"

One day while at home, the Ferret is interrupted when a man who was earlier reported as shot on the radio arrives at his door and collapses dead. The Ferret calls and informs the police commissioner as to what has transpired. The commissioner, a uniformed officer, and the coroner arrive at the Ferret's home. The commissioner explains to Ferret that this appears to be one of another jewel robberies that transpired the previous one being an oil magnet. The commissioner calls for Prosser, a detective in charge of the case. The commissioner, Prosser, and the Ferret discuss the case coming to the conclusion that a single gang is responsible due to a book of matches found in the dead man's pocket. Using the name on the matches the Ferret heads to the Monte Carlo night club where he begins his investigation of two men, one named Doc the other named Prima. Doc does recall seeing the dead man, however Prima does not. On his way to catch a bus home the Ferret Witnesses starlet Lynn Froheim being dumped out of a car after being robbed, he chases after the getaway vehicle in a cab.

When he gets out near New York Harbor to confront the two robbers, the crook known as Knuckles Johnson gets the drop on him from behind after the Ferret failed to notice two cars were involved in the robbery. Knuckles shoots the Ferret, causing him to fall into the harbor. Surviving thanks to his bullet proof vest, the Ferret calls in a favor from someone named Matty to learn the home address of Knuckles. Arriving there the Ferret falls asleep and soon wakes up to find himself stuck in a blaze set by Knuckles himself. The Ferret manages to break free and escape alive, but learns that Knuckles has since been assassinated.

Unsure who could have killed the man, Lynn Froheim volunteers to disguise herself as a rich woman to try and trick the killer into revealing himself. However, the plan backfires when Lynn's driver is knocked out and Lynn is kidnapped. Finally deducing who the killer is, the Ferret rushes to the Monte Carlo and finding a secret passageway stops Doc before he can eliminate Lynn.

After the police take Doc and his henchmen away, the Ferret reveals to Lynn that he realized it was Doc when he deduced that only a doctor would be able to fatally shoot someone and send them to his door as a message to him, but do so in a way so that the man would die at just the right time to avoid revealing the killer's identity.

Appearing in "Adventures of Ka-Zar the Great: Fourth Episode - Return of the Oman"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Adventures of Ka-Zar the Great: Fourth Episode - Return of the Oman"

Years after he murdered John Rand, Paul de Kraft makes a return expedition to the Congo to collect the riches of a emerald rich river bed near the domain of Ka-Zar. He brings along with him Ed Kivlin, who helped fund money on the expedition. Both men are crooked, and plot to betray each other to reap the benefits. Knowing that their native guides far a supposed "white jungle god" of the Congo area, they do not tell the guides where they are going until it is too late. When the guides revolt, De Kraft uses violence to force them to do his bidding.

Ultimately, they reach the river where they begin harvesting the gems. Both men begin plotting against one another, Kivlin hoping to turn the increasingly frightened natives against De Kraft. The humans presences does not go unnoticed and soon Ka-Zar learns of their arrival from the many animals in the area -- particularly Chaka the ape who is angry that they murdered one of his people. Investigating the situation, the jungle man sends his first warning to those in the camp by firing an arrow at one of the natives, killing him.

When the natives believe it to be their jungle god, De Kraft once more uses violence and threats to force them to do his bidding. Ka-Zar recognizes De Kraft as the "Fat Face" who murdered his father and vows to get revenge. When the other animals in the jungle gather seeking to attack the camp en masse, Ka-Zar with the support of Zar, Sha, and Trajah, convinces them to stay back and let him handle it. N'Jaga is the only one who does not fully trust Ka-Zar as he is also a human.

Ka-Zar nears the camp once more, scaring the natives into fleeing by letting out a lions roar. This sudden display of cowardice angers De Kraft even more. Later when Kivlin heads up river to collect more emeralds for himself, he spots Zar and is about to shoot him when he is confronted by Ka-Zar. The savage warns Kivlin that he and the natives are to leave, sending the man running back to camp in a fright.

This story is continued next issue...


Continuity Notes[]

New York Hit By Green Flame[]

  • This is the first time the Human Torch uses the alias Jim Hammond although the name is spelled as Hamond in first issues.
  • This is the last golden age appearance of Doctor Manyac and his Green Flames. They next appear in 2009's Marvel Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1.

The Sub-Mariner Goes To War[]

  • The Holy One's real name is Emperor Thakorr, throughout publications in the 1940s and 50s, Thakorr is referred to as "The Holy One" or "The Emperor", his real name was not revealed until Sub-Mariner #1.
  • Namor refers to two Atlanteans as Admirals of his Navy in this issue, Daka and Naka. It is possible that this is the same character and the letterer or writer made an error or they are indeed two separate characters. Neither individual is listed as appearing in this issue per Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z but Daka does make an appearance as Namor's uncle in Marvel Mystery Comics #24 but makes no reference as being an Admiral prior to his or after his usurpation.
  • All Atlantean males are depicted as having fish-like characteristics: greenish skin with scales, large eyes, and catfish like barbels under the nose while females have Caucasian skin but large eyes and some slight fish like features. Atlanteans were not depicted with their trademark blue-skin and humanoid features until Fantastic Four Annual #1. Additionally, the name of their race and the fact that they had any connection to Atlantis was not revealed until that issue.

Electro: The Marvel of the Age[]

  • Professor Philo Zog's real name was fully revealed in Twelve #1 as Philo Zogolowski.
  • Marvels Project #1 revealed that funding for his Electro robot came from the United States government.

See Also

Links and References

