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You bring out all the best in me, father-- all the good! I need only gaze upon you-- recall what you did to my human mother-- how you drove her over the brink of sanity-- and my fury and strength seem to multiply tenfold!

Appearing in "Black Sabbath!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Cult of Satan
    • Numerous unnamed cultists
  • Baphomet (First appearance)
  • Satan
  • Demons
    • Numerous unnamed demons

Other Characters:

Races and Species:





Synopsis for "Black Sabbath!"

After a hellish nightmare wherein he is tormented by his father, Daimon Hellstrom is awoken by the arrival of Katherine Reynolds. Reynolds had come to apologize for the previous evenings interference, Daimon soon notices that the pentagram birthmark on his chest had inverted. When he realizes today is his birthday, his father appears on the mirror and boasts that he succeeded in merging both aspects of Daimon's personally. After, Katherine tells Daimon that she had also come to ask him to lecture at the university, but both agree to discuss it over dinner that evening.

That evening, Daimon is introduced to divinity student Byron Hyatt, who tells Daimon of a Satanic Cult which is operating in the area and wishes Daimon to investigate, as it's operation threatens the future of the parapsychology department at the university. Daimon agrees and they all go to Babler Stater Park to investigate. There cult is in the middle of a black sabbath, and the spell they are casting entrances Son of Satan to enter the area. His appearance disrupts the the ceremony and frees Daimon from the trance. It is revealed that the leader of the cult is the demon Baphomet, who battles Daimon.

After a battle across St. Louis, Daimon manages to defeat Baphoment, seemingly destroying the demon. After the creatures' defeat, the cult disperses. Later, having witnessed the whole battle Katherine hails Daimon as a hero, and begins showing affection towards him, however Byron wonders what sort of evil Daimon is capable of committing.

See Also

Links and References

