Marvel Database

Quote1 As long as the Black Blade blazes darkly in my hand, I must fight on ... No matter what the cost! Quote2
The Black Knight (Dane Whitman)

Appearing in "The Black Knight Reborn"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Merlin (Only in flashback)




Synopsis for "The Black Knight Reborn"

Downcast after a few brief appearances as the heroic Black Knight, Dane Whitman encounters the spirit of Sir Percy of Scandia, the original Black Knight, who declares his descendant Whitman a worthy possessor of the Ebony Blade and urges him to fight the still present threat of Modred. Modred has enchanted the villain Le Sabre to seek out and destroy this new Black Knight. Whitman and his faithful steed Aragorn take to the sky, battle, and defeat Le Sabre.

Appearing in "The Human Torch"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Men's Adventures #28
(originally printed as Human Torch)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "The Human Torch"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Men's Adventures #28
(originally printed as Human Torch)

The Human Torch and Toro go to visit the Torch's friend George to see how his work to design a spaceship is coming along. As they walk to George's house they spot a flying saucer fly by. Toro then calls them into the house where there is a news report of flying saucers being spotted all over the country. The following report is about a plague that is ravaging the country and that authorities are trying to make a connection between the plague and the flying saucers. The Torch however is not convinced as he believes that if the aliens meant to attack them they would have done so already. With people fleeing town in a panic, the Torch and Toro spot the flying saucer again and decide to follow it.

They board the ship and are meet by the alien's leader, a being called Ksa, who tells them that they have come to Earth due to the fact that a form of cosmic dust has appeared on Earth and is the cause of the plague and that they have created a serum that will cure those infected. The Torch warns Ksa and his people that the people of Earth are paranoid and fearful of the aliens and believe that they brought the plague with them and that Ksa and his people will be attacked should they try to land their ship.

The Torch and Toro agree to go back to the surface and try to convince the people that the aliens mean no harm, but the plague stricken people are too fearful to listen and think that the two heroes are traitors and attack. They then douse the Torch and Toro's flames with a fire hose and place them in a steel room that sprays them with water. However the Torch manages to keep his hand dry and uses his flame to melt through the door.

They rush outside where they see that Ksa and his people have landed their ship and they are surrounded by an angry mob. Beaten within an inch of his life, Ksa still hands the antidote over to his attacked before he dies. The man realizes to his horror what he has done. Soon the cure is administered, but the entire episode has convinced George that man is not ready for the stars and decides to destroy his plans for his rocket ship.

Appearing in "Wings on His Feet"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Sub-Mariner Comics #38
(originally printed as The Sub-Mariner Strikes)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


Synopsis for "Wings on His Feet"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Sub-Mariner Comics #38
(originally printed as The Sub-Mariner Strikes)

With his super-human abilities fading, the Sub-Mariner is asked by Namora to return to Atlantis to meet with the Emperor. There the Emperor shows Namor that his once mighty powers have been reduced to only the ability to breath underwater and enhanced strength. The Emperor explains to Namor that they have developed a machine that will restore Namor's full strength, invulnerability and flight. However Byrrah has seen to it that it won't work after stealing the formula needed to operate the machine. Suspecting that Byrrah was responsible, the Sub-Mariner confronts him and forces him to turn over the formula.

Namor then subjects to himself the device and finds his powers restored to normal. Happy to find his experiment a success, the Emperor orders Namor to resume his one man war on the surface world. Despite Namor's pleas that he has friends on the surface (such as Betty Dean) he has no choice but to follow the Emperor's orders. On the surface, the Sub-Mariner spots what appears to be a Russian sub attacking an American ship. Disabling the sub, he witnesses Byrrah and his men and his faithful minions flee the sub, in an attempt to make Namor betray the Emperor's orders.

Namor holds the American ship together and helps it get back to port. There the Sub-Mariner informs the crew of the ship that it was he who helped keep the ship together and get them to safety. When the crew refuses to believe him, the Sub-Mariner angrily sinks it before returning home.

Appearing in "Menace From the Future World"

Reprint of the 1st story from
All Winners Comics #21
(originally printed as Menace From the Future World!)

Featured Characters:


Races and Species:



  • Future Man's Time Ship

Synopsis for "Menace From the Future World"

Reprint of the 1st story from
All Winners Comics #21
(originally printed as Menace From the Future World!)

Captain America and Bucky call together the All-Winners Squad and tell them of a new menace: While they were staking out the hideout of Madame Death, they witnessed as Future Man, a time traveller from the year One Million AD appeared and offered Madame Death and her gang a place in his new world order if they assist him in taking over the world so that it can be taken over by his people from the future, whose world has been left dying. When Captain America and Bucky attempted to stop them, Future Man's advanced technology allowed them to escape to begin plotting their conquests of each continent of the world.

Finishing his story, Captain America dispatches each member of the All-Winners Squad to a different part of the world: The Whizzer to South America, the Sub-Mariner to Asia, Miss America to Africa, the Human Torch and Toro to North America and himself and Bucky to Europe.


  • The unnamed Nether God seen in the Black Knight story is later identified as Mandrac when the story is reprinted in Hulk Comic #41.

See Also

Links and References

