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Marvel Database

Quote1 I don't care what it costs -- just so long as Daredevil gets what's comin' to 'im! If not for him buttin' in, Willie Lincoln would be here now -- instead'a me! Quote2
Biggie Benson

Appearing in ""Daredevil Drops Out""

Reprint of the 1st story from
Daredevil #49

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Synopsis for ""Daredevil Drops Out""

Reprint of the 1st story from
Daredevil #49
Returning home, Matt Murdock decides that he is sick of being Daredevil and decides to quit his costumed adventuring because it's cost him his best friend and the girl that he loves. However, this is easier said than done when Daredevil is attacked by a robot created by Starr Saxon and hired out by Biggie Benson. Benson wants revenge against Daredevil for his involvement in his arrest following the clearing of Willie Lincoln's name.

Matt is easily overpowered by the robot, which can adapt to combat its opponent, however the robot leaves the unconscious Matt behind when it hears the tapping of Willie Lincoln's cane and flees in pre-programed self preservation. Willie takes Matt back to his home and administers first aid.

Meanwhile, Starr Saxon sends his robot after Daredevil once more after making some more adjustments. When Matt returns home dressed as Daredevil, he soon finds himself battling the robot once more which manages to once again overpower him and wrap him up in a crash-mat in his own secret gym.

Appearing in "The Six-Million Year Man!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Black Panther #2

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Synopsis for "The Six-Million Year Man!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Black Panther #2
An alien, informally known as Hatch-22, arrives in the 20th century from six-million years in the future. Princess Zanda's men try to attack it, but Hatch-22 destroys them all with deadly micron ray blasts. The Black Panther prostrates himself before Hatch-22 in an act of servility. As Hatch-22 approaches closer however, the Black Panther springs forward and punches him in the head knocking him out.

After the confusion dies down, the Black Panther discovers that his friend Abner Little is not dead as he had believed. A bulletproof vest is responsible for saving Abner's life. The Panther grabs the brass Frog of King Solomon and tells the others that they must retrieve the Frog's twin – a control piece capable of sending Hatch-22 back to his native era.

As the future-man dreams, his thoughts become an ectoplasm view screen. The Black Panther, Abner Little and Zanda witness an Earth from six-million years in the future. They see Hatch-22 defending the planet from an alien threat with his vast mental powers.

Hatch-22 begins to awaken, and Mister Little zaps him with a special gun that disorients the brain. He then brings everyone deeper into his mountain lair where his advanced multi-plane is stored. With it, they intend on finding the second Frog and returning Hatch-22 to his native time period.

See Also

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