Appearing in "Frenzy in the Frozen North!"
Featured Characters:
- Grandmaster's Team (Frozen North):
- Grandmaster's Team (Ghost Town):
- The Unknown's Team (Frozen North):
- The Unknown's Team (Ghost Town):
Other Characters:
- Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast) (Mentioned)
- Fantastic Four (Mentioned)
- Reed Richards (Referenced)
- Ben Grimm (Referenced)
- Johnny Storm (Referenced)
- Avengers (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Arctic North
- North America
- American Southwest
- Hollywood (Mentioned)
- American Southwest
- U.S.S.R (Mentioned)
- Australia (Mentioned)
- Japan (Referenced)
- Israel (Mentioned)
- Brazil (Mentioned)
- Daredevil's Suit and Billy Club
- Fantastic Four Uniforms
- Iron Man Armor MK IV
- Captain Britain's Uniform and Quarterstaff
- Star Sceptre
- Amulet of Right
Synopsis for "Frenzy in the Frozen North!"
FIRST CONTEST: Six heroes in two teams are teleported to a frozen wasteland above the sea, in order to find a quarter of a golden globe. They believe they must compete against the other team and not cooperate to find and get it so the Earth will be removed from suspended animation. All but Sunfire are in danger of dying from hypothermia. Daredevil captures the quarter and all are teleported out alive. SECOND CONTEST: Six heroes in two teams are teleported to an Western United States Ghost Town to compete for a quarter of a golden globe. The Arabian Knight captures the quarter. The score is tied 1-1.
See Also
- 3 image(s) from Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions Vol 1 2
- 3 reprint(s) of Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions Vol 1 2