Appearing in "Come to the Moon and Explore Heavenly Bodies"
Featured Characters:
- Adam Warlock
- Angel
- Arachne
- Avengers
- Banshee
- Beast
- Bishop
- Black Bolt
- Black Cat
- Black Panther
- Black Widow
- Boom Boom
- Bullseye
- Captain America
- Colossus
- Crystal
- Cyclops
- Doc Samson
- Drax The Destroyer
- Elektra
- Emma Frost
- Fantastic Four
- Firestar
- Forge
- Gambit
- Gamora
- Gorgon
- Hulk
- Human Torch
- Iceman
- Inhumans
- Iron Man
- Jean Grey
- Jubilee
- Karnak
- Lockjaw
- Luna
- Mary Jane
- Maxam
- Medusa
- Moondragon
- Namor
- Namorita
- New Warriors
- Northstar
- Nova
- Pip
- Polaris
- Psylocke
- Quicksilver
- Rogue
- Scarlet Witch
- Sersi
- She-Hulk
- Silhouette
- Silver Sable
- Silver Surfer
- Siryn
- Spider-Woman
- Storm
- Thing
- Thor
- Thunderstrike
- Triton
- Typhoid Mary
- Wasp
- Watcher
- Wolverine
- Wonder Man
- X-Men
Synopsis for "Come to the Moon and Explore Heavenly Bodies"
- Synopsis not yet written