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Quote1 I can not stand by and let anyone perish!...Even you! Quote2

Appearing in "Trapped by Loki, The God of Mischief"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Journey Into Mystery #85

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Loki (First Modern Age appearance)

Other Characters:

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  • a subway
  • a Pegasus-shaped sign animated by Loki

Synopsis for "Trapped by Loki, The God of Mischief"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Journey Into Mystery #85
In the far off land of Asgard, home of the Asgardians, the trickster god Loki has spent time trapped in a tree, so put there by Odin until someone would shed a tear over him, thus freeing him from his prison. Having taken partial control over the tree, Loki causes a leaf to fall from its branches as the god Heimdall is walking past it. The leaf lands in Heimdall's eye causing him to shed a tear, unknowingly freeing Loki from his prison. Now free, Loki begins plotting revenge against his half-brother Thor, and uses his mystic link to Thor's hammer to track Thor to New York City on Earth.

Appearing on Earth, Loki takes on a mortal guise and goes to the hospital where Thor was putting on a show for sick children, but finds that Thor had just left. Unable to find Thor in the teeming millions of people, he decides to flush the Thunder God out by casting a spell that makes people in the streets turn into negative images thereby causing a panic. In his civilian guise of Donald Blake and out with his nurse Jane Foster, Thor spots the problem and slips away to transform himself into his godly form.

Using his Uru hammer's mystical properties, Thor manages to change the people back to normal. As he is being praised by the crowd, Thor is approached by his half-brother who reveals his true identity to him.

Part 2: The Vengeance of Loki

Seeking to take their battle to the sky, Loki is really setting up Thor for a trap, and easily hypnotizes his opponent. He commands Thor to hand over the hammer, which Thor refuses due to the will of his father Odin, try as he might Loki cannot get Thor to give up his hammer. Eventually Loki succeeds when he creates a mystical duplicate of Thor and tells his thrall to hand it over to the double, which Thor does willingly. Loki then commands that Thor go to the zoo and let all the animals loose.

What Loki doesn't account for is the fact that once Thor is away from his hammer for more than sixty seconds he reverts back into the form of Donald Blake. When this happens, Blake is free from Loki's control and manages to get past a group of people trying to lift Thor's hammer (unable to do so because they are unworthy of wielding it) changing himself back into Thor. With his plot foiled, Loki attempts to escape under the cover of a flock of birds, however Thor follows after the God of Mischief. This leads to a battle across the city where eventually Loki tries to escape on an animated statue of Pegasus.

Thor finally stops Loki when he manages to trap him in a pipe, knocking him off his horse and into the bay. Quickly capturing Loki, Thor takes him to the top of the Empire State Building where he uses his hammer to hurl Loki back to Asgard before Odin for punishment. After his hammer is returned to him, Thor reverts back to his Donald Blake guise and reunites with Jane Foster, who is once more gushing over Thor's exploits.

Appearing in "When Titans Clash!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Journey Into Mystery Annual #1

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "When Titans Clash!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Journey Into Mystery Annual #1
While traveling out to Jotunheim, Thor and Loki are searching for a path leading to the land of Olympus, home of the Olympian Gods when they happen upon some Frost Giants, which Thor easily defeats in combat. However, the battle causes the ground to rupture and Thor falls into the chasm and finds himself in a tunnel. Following it to its end he finds himself on Olympus.

After exploring a bit he seeks to cross a bridge but is halted by Hercules who demands that nobody cross the bridge until he has done so. Finding such a notion ridiculous as there is room for both men to cross the bridge, ignores the demand and begins crossing the bridge. This leads to the arrogant Hercules to begin attacking Thor who seeks to match his strength, and his weapon (a club) against Thor's hammer. Thor attempts to toss his hammer at Hercules but finds the Demi-God able to grab it in mid flight and toss it back at Thor.

The battle rages on, as both combatants match each others attacks it becomes clear that both men are equally matched. With no end to the battle in sight, they are stopped when they are struck by Zeus, ruler of the Olympian Gods. With Zeus calling the battle an end, the two strong men bow in honour of the request. Thor explains that he had come on a mission of peace, and both he and Hercules make it and declare each other friends before Zeus uses his power to return Thor to Jotunheim.

There he finds Loki inspecting the damage done during Thor's battle with the Frost Giants. When Thor questions where Loki was during the battle, the God of Mischief claims that he fled the battle to search for aid. Suddenly, before anything else can be said, the cavern to Olympus is suddenly filled with rock and a mountain is constructed in its place forcing the two Gods to seek cover. With the way to Olympus sealed, they decide to leave however Thor begins to wonder when, if ever, he may meet Hercules again.

Appearing in "Come on in... the Revolution's Fine!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Avengers #83

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

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Halloween Costumers of:


  • A chariot

Synopsis for "Come on in... the Revolution's Fine!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Avengers #83
Returning to Avengers Mansion to visit, the Wasp soon finds herself witness to the gathering a new all-female group called the Liberators (consisting of Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Medusa and newcomer Valkyrie) Who have banded together to battle male oppression. Valkyrie explains that she was a scientist at a male-dominated science lab, and when attempting to show up a chauvinist co-worker, she exposed herself to a chemical that gave her superhuman strength, and so she decided to form this hero group, and has convinced each of her recruits to join by feeding on an apparent double standard in being a super-hero. With all of them siding with her, Valkyrie takes them aboard her chariot and heads off to Rutland, Vermont.

In Rutland, are the male members of the Avengers, who are there attending the annual Halloween festivities where the townspeople all dress up as super-heroes. They are unaware that the Masters of Evil are also in attendance, seeking to capture a hostage in a plot to get revenge on the Avengers for their previous incarceration. While the initial plan fails, and a battle between the two groups starts, the Masters manage to get the upper hand, that is until the Liberators show up.

The newly formed group makes short work of the Masters, and when the Avengers thank the women for saving them, they are attacked and easily defeated as well. Suddenly, Valkyrie knocks out all her comrades and reveals that she is really the Enchantress in disguise. She explains that after her last failed attempt at taking over Asgard failed (in Incredible Hulk #102) she and the Executioner were banished to a barren netherworld. There, the Executioner abandoned her for the a mysterious woman who appeared to offer the Executioner her love. Feeling betrayed, the Enchantress vowed revenge on all men and used the Valkyrie disguise and the formation of the Liberators to met this end.

The Scarlet Witch frees herself and battles the Enchantress, defeating her by using a hex bolt that redirected the Enchantress' magic back at her. She then frees her fellow Avengers and reveals to them that she realized they were really facing the Enchantress when earlier in the day (as Valkyrie) she called the Wasp a "wench" in a tone that as the Enchantress she used on the Scarlet Witch in a past battle.

Appearing in "Doom"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Thor #337

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

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Synopsis for "Doom"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Thor #337
In space, we see the core of an ancient galaxy explode. Amazingly, though, gigantic tongs grab the leftover starstuff, and an equally gigantic figure begins to mold it. In Grant Park in Chicago, Don Blake is out for a stroll, thinking about how sometimes he wishes he could set aside his godly heritage and be just a man, when he is struck in the back with a frisbee. Blake gives it back to John when he is grabbed by two men, who hustle him to a car and shove him in. Inside is Nick Fury, who tells Blake he needs his help, or more to the point, Thor's help. They arrive at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier where Sitwell gives a briefing about the trouble they have. Using an advanced warp driven probe, they have discovered an alien ship. As the ship passes by a star, it flared to life and was sucked in by the ship, refueling it. The ship is now headed towards Earth at several times the speed of light. Thor agrees to help and begins his journey. In Asgard, Sif arrives to find Volstagg with Balder feasting. Balder is morose after his sojourn in Hela's realm and has visibly gained weight. He has sworn to never fight again. Sif was wanting company since Thor has forsaken her for Earth, but she will not find it here. She goes to Heimdall and asks him to find her a battle to ease her emptiness, but he cannot help her either. In space, Thor has met up with the ship, and as he closes in on it, it's automated weapons open fire. Thor destroys the gun battery and rips his way through the hull. Inside, he finds a large figure encased in crystal, that suddenly breaks free. In Asgard, Loki is bored when he hears a noise. Outside, he sees warriors engaged in a forbidden Troll hunt. The Troll is hiding when it sees a beautiful woman offering to help hide it when she gets close, she grabs it and hoists it up. Lorelei has won the hunt. Loki invites her back to his castle and she agrees. Back aboard the ship, the gigantic alien tosses Thor aside and introduces himself as Beta Ray Bill. Bill believes Thor is some sort of demon that has been harassing his people and plans on killing him. As they battle back and forth, Thor has dropped Mjolnir. Thor knows he must stop them and begins trying to tear the ship apart. Skuttlebutt sets for Earth to set down for repairs while Bill attacks anew. But before Thor can do anything else, he changes back to Blake, and Bill is upon him fast. Bill forms a stasis egg around himself to survive the crash, and the unconscious form of Blake is inside as well. Nick Fury arrives at the ship's crash site just seconds after impact. Bill looks for Thor's hammer to use as a weapon but finds only a stick. He strikes a wall in frustration and is transformed into an alien version of Thor. Outside, Bill throws the hammer and destroys one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicles, and catches Mjolnir when it returns to him. Astonishingly, Bill is worthy! He is about to strike again when the skies open up, and an image of Odin appears. He mistakes Bill for Thor and takes him to Asgard. Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. start to move in, when Blake crawls out of Skuttlebutt, and realizes what has happened. The alien was worthy enough to wield Mjolnir, and Blake is stuck on Earth as a mortal.

Solicit Synopsis

Journey into mystery with the Mighty Thor as we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the House of Ideas with the era-spanning MARVEL TALES! This anthology series shines a spotlight on fan-favorite characters, features timeless stories and highlights some of Marvel’s most impressive talent from the past eight decades. Reprinting the dastardly debut of the eternal thorn in Thor’s side — his devious stepbrother Loki — in JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY (1952) #85! Titans clash as the Thunder God faces Hercules, the Lion of Olympus, in JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY ANNUAL #1! The Avengers are taught a mighty lesson by the Asgardian Valkyrie and her Lady Liberators in AVENGERS (1963) #83! And Walter Simonson’s legendary run begins with the status quo-smashing arrival of Beta Ray Bill in THOR (1966) #337!

See Also

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