Marvel Database

Appearing in "Mystery of the Blocks"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Mystery of the Blocks"

Parents on Venus are asked to loan their son to an unknowing adoptive couple on Earth for twenty years so that the boy may teach them advanced engineering techniques. In this way, the Venusians hope to prevent cultural degeneration when the people of Earth eventually make contact with them.

Appearing in "Lady Luck"

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Synopsis for "Lady Luck"

A businessman doesn’t believe in luck, but several beneficial encounters with an old lady change his mind.

Appearing in "Ceiling...Zero"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Ceiling...Zero"

Men delivering medical supplies on a flight through a bad storm receive navigation direction from a higher power.

Appearing in "The Thing That Wouldn't Stop"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Thing That Wouldn't Stop"

A reporter interviews an inventor who designs a clock that can run off the energy produced by living humans but produces feedback that makes the reporter say 'tick tock' repeatedly.

Appearing in "The Man from Nowhere"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Man from Nowhere"

A homely man buys a magic kit and he finds he can do real magic when he summons an inhabitant from another dimension who does not consider him ugly. They talk for awhile and the man agrees to follow his guest back to his dimension.

Appearing in "And There You Are!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "And There You Are!"

An electrical accident by a film crew on the site on Caesar's assassination switches Brutus with an actor in time. Brutus argues with the director that he tried to save Caesar and stories that he was one of the assassins are lies spread by his enemies.

See Also

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