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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Two Against Hydra"

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Synopsis for "Two Against Hydra"

Arriving in England to deliver the Deathlok cyborg to Dr. Kort, the Thing, and Alicia spend a bit of time sightseeing before going to their appointed destination. Arriving there, they find that the entire mansion has been overturned; unaware that Dr. Kort had been kidnapped by Hydra who intends to have the doctor revive their agent, Spider-Woman.

When Alicia finds blood at the scene of the kidnapping, her screams bring Shang-Chi, who mistakes the Thing for an attacker. After a brief battle, they realize the reality of the situation and Shang-Chi agrees to help the Thing find Dr. Kort. Tracking him down to a hidden Hydra base, Thing and Shang-Chi fight off the Hydra hordes and save Dr. Kort. However, in spite of their victory, Hydra has obtained the serum they need to revive Spider-Woman.


  • The Thing references the Odd Couple, which is Neil Simon's theater play The Odd Couple, premiered in Broadway in 1965. That play had been adapted as a movie in 1968; then as a TV series, broadcast from 1970 to 1975 on ABC. As the comic was published in 1977, he was possibly intending to refer to the then-recent TV series.

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See Also

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