Marvel Zombies is an upcoming animated miniseries made for Disney+, that is set in alternate realities divergent from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and serves as a spin-off of the fifth episode of What If...?. It was produced by Marvel Studios.
On November 12, 2021, it was announced that an animated spin-off to the fifth episode of What If...? was in development.[1] The series is scheduled to premiere on October 3, 2025.[2]
- It is the first animated TV-MA rated series produced by Marvel Studios.
See Also
Links and References
- ↑ Disney+ Day: All The Streamer’s Film & TV News From Premiere Dates To Series Orders Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved on September 11, 2024.
- ↑ Power, Tom (October 29, 2024) Daredevil: Born Again reportedly leading a bumper 2025 for Marvel on Disney Plus as six more MCU TV shows could make their debuts TechRadar (Podcast).