Years after the disappearance of Richard and Mary Parker, the Chameleon created Life-Model Decoys of Richard and Mary. These LMDs were near-perfect robotic replicas of Peter Parker's dead parents, and engineered to get close to Peter Parker to find out the secrets of Spider-Man. Chameleon did this at the suggestion of the Green Goblin.[1]
The "Parkers" managed to convince Peter that they had in fact been held captive overseas for most of his life.[2] Aunt May retained some suspicions, as there were some things they did not know, such as Richard and Mary's elopement.[3] Peter ignored May's suspicions, and revealed his true identity as Spider-Man to his parents. This triggered their primary programming, causing them to return to Chameleon with the news.[4]
Once their "evil" programming kicked in, Peter's "spider-sense" started to react in their presence. He tracked Richard and Mary to the Chameleon's hideout and stopped them from revealing his secret. However, when the Decoys were ordered to attack Parker, the Mary duplicate, sharing the original's love for her son, saved him instead. Neither LMD survives the incident.[5]See Also
- 38 appearance(s) of Mary Parker (Simulacrum) (Earth-616)
- 6 minor appearance(s) of Mary Parker (Simulacrum) (Earth-616)
- 7 mention(s) of Mary Parker (Simulacrum) (Earth-616)
- 2 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Mary Parker (Simulacrum) (Earth-616)
- 6 image(s) of Mary Parker (Simulacrum) (Earth-616)